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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. About the Death lyrics, how do u guys interpret them? from my undestanding she’s talking about how after her death, she’s still with us and while people around her try to contact with her (she mentions multiple ceremony’s and rituals), when she finally comes back they seem scared of her (fear of the unknown)! What I don’t get is who is she specifically refering to, cause looks like it’s a love interest but I’m not sure… a little like Haunted but with reversed roles what do u guys think?
  2. Actually Corpse could be a cute full circle moment with Death
  3. Long life to FROOT, an iconic era followed by… well… not greatness, that’s for sure love her TFJ, EH and FROOT trio though!
  4. Delusion,… convince yourself…
  5. Anyway, why talk about Moon Cycle or Spider Shit when she has released one of her best songs in a while…. DEATH! That song alone ate all After School EP and half of K-12 for me… props to her. I hope the cuality doesn’t go down from there (we all know that will happen in tracks 6 and 10 but for the rest…)
  6. It was on purpose I can also be a little camp u know?
  7. She can sing about whatever she wants cause it’s her music, that’s on period. But if we don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s because we “hate women” like someone said before. and that’s on that, don’t really feel the need to explain myself. Stay pressed
  8. It was an example of how unnecesary seems to talk about someone’s fluids and personal needs If u prefer it that way, we all have to poo and piss and still I think no one has ever made a song about it (maybe Spider Web is the one…)
  9. I hope for your sanity it wasn’t High Road cause… I also had high hopes for that (specially after Rainbow) and was left on a ditch
  10. that’s so stupid to say nothing to do with hating women, we all know periods are something normal and from day to day life but so is shaving our balls and we don’t see no one make a song bout that! it’s just not an appealing nor important topic, plus the lyrics are straight up BAD this comment it’s givin “I water my plants with my period blood”
  11. Okay, but this would have been a perfect album: 1. Death 2. Void 3. Barely Juice 4. Tunnel Vision 5. Faerie Soiree 6. Dragons Blood 7. Spider Web 8. Emerald 9. Garden 10. Moon Cycle 11. Needle & Thread 12. Leeches 13. Evil 14. Fingers Crossed 15. Puzzles 16. Corpse (Deluxe tracks) And I KNOWW y’all are gonna say why I included Spider Shit and Moon Cycle if I hate them, and that’s true, they are horrible… but during this rollout I’ve had so much fun draggin them it’s impossible for me to not picture the album without them! Finally smithing to focus all my hatred to! They are lowkey ICONIC just for how awful they are… that said, I will be skipping
  12. I wouldn’t know, that movie is so bad Ive only watched it once
  13. it’s definetly the chorus!
  14. I have a feeling Death may have replaced Sirens as the opener
  15. Okay, not to be nit picky but the second verse in that could use a different instrumentation to gain momentum… I understand what she was going for but it just feels a little flat (specially after that chorus) the rest is just how I imágenes it, really good intro
  16. from all leaks come from, dbr**
  17. Okay, I must admit, Death has me excited for the album
  18. that’s seems right except I would swap Sirens for an extended version of Garden (Sirens and Death are too similar to be in the same album, idk)
  19. Death it’s really nice, an obvious improvement from After School… hope she continues this path sounds pretty much like an introduction and eventhough it’s 5 minutes doesn’t fell long at all
  20. She obsessed with her pussy huh?
  21. u just described my feelings towards Spider Web and Moon Cycle so well
  22. yes, but this version has been reworked so maybe that’s the reason! I just want Garden to be in the albummm
  23. then the 5 horsemen of the apocalypse will reunite and put our misery to an end nothing, like 86% of the thing a that come out of her mouth! sometimes she makes sense but that 14% is kept unreleased
  24. definition of: Anything will do
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