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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. that’s not the point I was trying to make though this is exactly why she comes as ulikeable to me and the GP…. Nothing wrong making a song about empowering women and mothers in general but there’s no need to bring men down for that… like what’s the point? it’s the same for All About That Bass when she says “fuck those skinny bitches” I also saw in a recent interview she was complaining about how when she became famous no men would hit on her… is she aware one of her biggest hits (No) it’s a song about literally rejecting guys and warning them to not even try it? I’m all about self love but this chick needs to get a grip! Real self love doesn’t need to downgrade others in other to make u feel better, that’s why her lyrics are BS… they sound more like angry anthems by someone who actively hates men and skinny women! the thing is, in interviews she seems sweet and down to earth, so I don’t know what to believe at this point
  2. “U can’t even make life, bitch” She’s aware without a male a female can’t make life by herself either, right? Like… basic biology like… for a reason there are sperm donors… or even infertile women… this girls always amazes me… cringe
  3. she has a history of using body parts in a very graphic way for her lyrics… for example in Corpse or Death (talking about a decomposing body) or in Void (the guts sentence)
  4. pretty much she could release a shit with a pink ribbon and they would LOVE IT! 🕷️🕸️ for example but the moment she punts some black on and deliver her best music, they couldn’t care less sad
  5. makes me wanna unlearn the English language to unconsciously BOP to that and not think about tampons or periods
  6. Speaking of twitter and YT brainless Crybabies… I have a theory as to why the Spider Shit snippet got more attention and hype than the Void when clearly this second one is much superior… and it’s that most of her fanbase is focused on aesthetics and visuals! Like some of you mentioned earlier, the void snippet visuals aren’t that good and kind of creepy while the track 6 one is much more appealing and pretty to look at (her classic pastel colors and a cute outfit) that makes me think they are not here for the musicality but rather the imagery and shock value… most Crybabies in TikTok and stuff like that love to play dress up like her and go for the cutesy aesthetic but don’t seem to get the music that much importance that’s the only reasonable explanation I can get for that fenomenon… otherwise I’m speechless and this should be studied by a university of some kind… the release date may also be a factor on the matter
  7. Must be an strange kind of fetish at this point
  8. Add Garden girls to sadly BOP in tears Dancing With Tears by Kesha come true
  9. this Cry Babies need to get life ASAP
  10. Is this a troll? Not sure what that is…
  11. Sooo… 6 days till the supposed single… Mi guess is she will tease the 4 unknown songs this week, then drop the single (if the source was right) and disappear again till the album comes out
  12. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Okay so… after a few listens I think Slide Away can fit ESV even better than Flowers… Endless Summer Vacation (Miley Cyrus): 1. Slide Away 2. Jaded 3. Taste Of My Own 4. Naked 5. Island 6. Best Night 7. Handstand 8. River 9. Violet Chemistry 10. Muddy Feet 11. Wildcard 12. You Also, Best Night as the AM part closer sounds right… Island sounds more like the day part to me rather the night… Slide Away deserved more (the Flowers treatment)
  13. Okay so… after a few listens I think Slide Away can fit ESV even better than Flowers… Endless Summer Vacation (Miley Cyrus): 1. Slide Away 2. Jaded 3. Taste Of My Own 4. Naked 5. Island 6. Best Night 7. Handstand 8. River 9. Violet Chemistry 10. Muddy Feet 11. Wildcard 12. You Also, Best Night as the AM part closer sounds right… Island sounds more like the day part to me rather the night… Slide Away deserved more (the Flowers treatment)
  14. I just checked and Garden has been taken down from YT Dragons Blood and Tunnel Vision still up though
  15. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Let’s not be that delusional I believe u are talking about Demi and Selena Im lying… “Come and Get It” and “Cool for the Summer” are good
  16. Somebody should take serious legal action against Melanie for that Spider Song… it can cause severe trauma, brain damage and epilepsy attacks having Garden, Sirens, Needle & Threat, Tunnel Vision, Faire Soiree, Dragons Blood, Leeches, Barely Juice… all ten times better than that shitshow of a song, and still decides to release that atrocity! As far as I can remember the Limbs song was track 9 while Spider Shit is track 6…
  17. a NO for me all this “punk rock” songs sound the fucking same, so over it I doubt it… when a fave does something we don’t like we tend to blame it in the label but in Melanies case… I believe all her terrible choices are hers
  18. yet she posts the Spider Web song?
  19. Actually… I’m fine with no more snippets, she has already spoiled a lot of the album and I’m another Spider Song away from losing all interest god it was awful the rest, if not totally bad, are not to part with the leaks (Garden, TV, DB, BJ, N&T, Sirens) except for Void… if she has reworked every track we are in for some rough production… why does every snippet sound like something recorded in a garage with no budget? This bitch is signed to a mayor label I think releasing a single is a much more intelligent marketing strategy… so I’m sure they aren’t doing any of that
  20. At times looks like she’s trolling us full Trisha Paytas
  21. Dragons Blood may be a little repetitive but it’s still a BOP! Also the lyrics in the verses make it up for me… it’s just so good! I can already picture a video in my head. Moon Cycle on the other hand… sorry but I don’t need a song about your period m, thanks If Tunnel Vision and Dradons Blood make it to the album I just need Garden to complete my holy trinity Needle & Thread would also be nice… a chill bop
  22. yeah! It’s like… NEWS FLASH! Melanie also has bad songs… even further… I would say her bad songs tend to be REALLY bad… like insulting bad ! that said when she nails it… OMG she can serve bops for days… still tend to leave them unreleased… this bitch
  23. Even worse than shitting her pants… … She could release a song called Spider Web so horrible it can cause brain damage and still say “go queen of aracnids!! How can she not have one bad song!! U delivered!! This song is so good and her lyrics so profound” After the positive feedback to that snippet I’ve lost all hope I’m in the taste level of these gen Zs (I may be one but I consider myself above that)
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