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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Okay, after first listen this are mi thoughts: 1. Flowers - 4 (I don’t like it and it’s way overplayed, also that Bruno Mars sample…) 2. Jaded - 8 (the chorus is really catchy but an instrumental outro breakdown would have made it a 10) 3. Rose Colored Lenses - 5 ( I don’t care for this one… really tame) 4. Thousand Miles - 7.5 (the instrumental saves this one for me, gives me early Shakira vibes with harmonica… Brandi is barely present, what up with features lately?) 5. You - 7 (I like it, gives me Freddy Mercury vibes… still somehow I don’t connect with it much) 6. Handstand - 8.5 (at first sounds a little strange but I’m sure it will grow on me, I see the NFR comparisons. Also sounds more like an interlude) 7. River - 9.5 (A BOP that could use another minute but we already know… serious disco vibes) 8. Violet Chemistry - 7 (Still has to grow on me but not bad) 9. Muddy Feet - 8.5 (I know I’m gonna get dragged but am I the only one thinking this is one of the most up-tempo and interesting ones? Sia isn’t even there for the most part and I guess the lyrics are referencing someone cheating? I don’t know, I really like it at first listen is one of the few that got a punch) 10. Wildcard - 9 (Just like Muddy Feet I really like this one, great chorus and the vocals remind me of Fucked Up Forever) 11. Island - 5 (Really boring and it may be one of the few cases I would have shortened the track cause that last chorus… tedious) 12. Wonder Woman - 6 (You vibes but forgettable, I like the lyrics though, perfect fit for a closer) Overall sounds really tame and boring at times… You can hear the potential at times but she fails to take it there… miss her edgy style from PH, I wish she would had sticked to that a little longer (I know she likes to switch things up fast, but it suited her so much). Honestly the outtakes (Taste Of My Own, Mirror and Fucked Up Forever) sound far better than some of the tracks, which is a shame, she should include them… You can tell she took inspiration from all her eras for this, specially Her Dead Petz leaving PH almost out! The label is clearly pushing her to target white 30 something women and basic hetero audience, with some gay BOPs here and there (River, Handstand) for them to feel inclusive the AM and PM concept is lazy and uninspiring, only leaves room for interesting songs in the second half and the first one is quite boring. I don’t know if my expectations did me dirty, but I was hopping for something better after PH… now we’ll have to wait another 3 years for another record and till then, at least enjoy her live performances (hopefully she still has IT in her)
  2. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Listening to it right now… The album is really tame… it’s clear to me they wanted to target basic white hetero girls in their 30s with this! At least with the AM part… Sad Taste of my Own, Mirror and Fucked Up Forever where toasted for some of this songs… still Flowers is the worst of them all Overall sounds like a watered down Miley
  3. A song about an ethereal BJ… octopussy got us all shook!
  4. at least it’s the shortest one… only Garden, TV or N&T can save this album… now c’mon miss Melanie I will take DB as a bonus
  5. exactly my thoughts but really, I think I’m being reasonable when I say that may be the worst song to ever exist! Period
  6. Imma have nightmares with that song! That needs to be burnt in hell
  7. After that Spider Song? No.
  8. The way the lyrics in these new snippet are giving me K12 vibes all over again! The leaks gave me hope but this last snippets… utter sht… it’s like she’s trying to be poetic and abstract but the result is lame ass writting with long sentences that make 0 sense! Someone find her a co-writer please
  9. Im getting a little tired of her trying to force her ass licking friends into this stuff like… please pay real actors to do the job cause Elitas acting… well… cringe In general they give a childish vibe to me like no one cares about them… at all
  10. My guess is she may continue to have her friends in the new world… also dressed like teletubbies
  11. I mean… not liking it is a way to sugarcoat it! I hate it with my all… like a lot… hearing it makes me laugh and furious at the same time a fart recording in the mic would had been much more appreciated
  12. Anonymcomenter


    The way she enters the song and nails that verse! TALENT
  13. Anonymcomenter


    RIP Take Me, a whole BOP and a half
  14. I don’t think she put that much though into it (it’s obvious) probably she intended to make it as ugly as possible, and succeeded
  15. Imagine that supposed Holy Water song sounding like this!
  16. These Cry Babies need to get a job, quickly
  17. Im choosing not to believe this tracklist since none of the leaks are nowhere to be found! And that doesn’t make sense with my fantasy so until she releases an official one… I’m exceptical! Watch me make a fool of myself when the whole album is full of these half baked sounding demos and none of the good stuff
  18. If this is true please add Cartoons, thanks
  19. “Mi amor Creciente”??? I have to laugh, what has a song titled My Increasing Love have to do with the theme?
  20. Rather listen! But yes… crybabies in dbree get too confortable
  21. I will believe it when the whole album leaks and we confirm our self’s as clowns for beliving any of the leaks made the album, and instead get the Spider Song
  22. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    Okay… River is growing on me a lot!! The pre-chorus and the bridge slap!!! Wish this last one was little longer but it does what it’s needed the verses are still a little strange though the fact she reveled this song is about I can’t Madonnas Rain vibes in Erotica I can already picture a video in black and white with Miley in the black swimwear and lots of hunky half naked men in the background getting wet as water pours everywhere (like the teaser but more on theme)… that would make her first big gay anthem, since she’s so involved in the community! She hasn’t one yet and most of her fanbase are gays who grew up with HM… also the retro disco Donna Summery sound helps a lot! Heartbeat so loud That is drowning me out Play that in an echo sound You're pouring down Babe drown me out
  23. That would explain why the copyright haven’t taken down the videos in YT… the way we lost
  24. The way none of the previous leaks match the new sound!! im afraid she won’t include them and if so, reworked I preferred that first concept for MM3
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