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Posts posted by lanadeldadday

  1. Oh. I didn't read the OP so I assumed this correlated with the idea of a collaboration.

    Pssh, Larina would be a fantastic ship. post-38027-0-68878300-1415036779.gif

    The OP was about a collab, but earlier we were talking about the ship in a romantic sense.


  2. Honestly I didn't think the video was that bad. I didn't see it as "glamorizing" rape. The video is disturbing, but it is child's play compared to some rape scenes in movies and tv shows. Yes it had artsy angles and slow mo but I still can't see how it is glamorizing rape. Rape is a horrible, terrible thing and while Lana has definitely done/said some questionable things, I doubt she would ever promote rape and/or rape culture. I think this is being blown out of the water, but what's new?

  3. if they ever got together (wtf, Lana is SO ClSHET), they would kill each other over Lana's lack of interest in feminism. :troll:

    I have no idea why people ship them, other than the fact that they're both tumblr darlings.

    I just think it'd be kinda hot. I think that they'd be really explosive together. I think they'd have some really intense fights but also just be really intense in their love/lust whatever. Also imagine the songs that would come from that relationship! To be honest I want them to get together because I'm selfish and want angry yet in love albums. And they could be good for each other in a way. They've both gone through some dark shit and sometimes having someone who understands you on that emotional level can be really good for you. Also Marina just seems like a really strong woman, but also very feminine and Lana seems like she needs someone who is strong, but I can't see her going for a "manly" woman. I think if she ever went for girls she would want to be with someone who is conventionally pretty and feminine. If they ever got together, I don't see it lasting very long, but regardless I still ship them. 

  4. I feel like she definitely doesn't object to toys and a little kink in the bedroom. I think she probably doesn't do anything too hardcore but I think she is definitely one to experiment. I just get that vibe from her but there are quite a few references in her songs that make it seem like it is a very real possibility that she's into bdsm.

    Also I would not be surprised if she has a hot pinky sparkly dildo.

  5. I know this thread is kind of dead, but I personally think a collab with those two would either be the best song I've ever heard or complete shit. I think a balladish song or at least something fairly acoustic would be nice.


    Even if they don't collab, I ship them so hard. In all honesty Larina is my otp and I will sink with this ship. I don't even know why I ship them so hard I just feel like they'd balance each other out a little. I think they both are old souls and pretty dark but I feel like together they'd be good and a little less depressed.


    Lost people find homes in each other. Who knows they could be perfect together, I mean if they liked chicks of course.


    I don't know where this post went...

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