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Posts posted by Baldy

  1. 23 minutes ago, Mer said:

    We're 2 days away from "Boz Prison Fan Fiction" occurring in this thread if it doesn't leak in HQ in full. 


    Written by ChatGPT


    Blackoutzone had always been a gifted hacker. He had honed his skills over the years, working quietly and anonymously behind the scenes, until he became one of the most sought-after hackers in the world. But his life took a drastic turn when he was arrested for leaking confidential information about a famous singer.

    It all started when Blackoutzone stumbled upon a piece of information that had been kept secret for years. He discovered that there was a tunnel under Ocean Blvd that had been used by none other than Lana Del Rey herself. Excited by this discovery, Blackoutzone leaked the information to the world, causing a media frenzy and landing himself in hot water.

    The police were quick to track down Blackoutzone and he was promptly arrested. He spent the next few months in jail, waiting for his trial to begin. At first, he was terrified. He had never been in jail before and had no idea what to expect. But as the days went by, he slowly began to adjust to his new surroundings.

    He found that he was actually quite good at making friends in jail. His fellow inmates were fascinated by his hacking skills and would often ask him to help them with their own projects. Blackoutzone was happy to oblige, and soon found himself spending hours at a time hunched over a computer, working on various hacking projects.

    But life in jail was not all fun and games. Blackoutzone quickly learned that there were many dangerous people locked up with him. He saw fights break out on a regular basis and witnessed some truly horrifying things. He knew that he had to be careful if he wanted to survive.

    Despite the dangers, Blackoutzone was determined to make the most of his time in jail. He spent hours reading books, working out, and practicing his hacking skills. He knew that he would eventually be released, and he wanted to be ready for whatever came next.

    Finally, after several long months, Blackoutzone's trial date arrived. He was nervous as he entered the courtroom, but also relieved that his time in jail was finally coming to an end. The trial lasted for several days, but in the end, Blackoutzone was found guilty of leaking confidential information and sentenced to two years in prison.

    Although he was disappointed by the verdict, Blackoutzone was also relieved that his sentence was not longer. He knew that he could survive two years in prison, especially now that he had made some friends and had learned how to navigate life behind bars.

    In the end, Blackoutzone emerged from jail a changed man. He was no longer the carefree hacker that he had once been. Instead, he was more focused, more determined, and more cautious. He knew that he could never go back to his old life, but he was also excited to start a new chapter, one that would be filled with new challenges and new opportunities.


  2. Just now, NikoGo said:

    good god can we please keep it civil in here??


    We have so many good things happening in basically an hour and this whole thread is off topic and/or fighting 

    Exactly! We need to change our mindset and be happy that we have 16 songs coming in 10 days! Judging off what we have, they all sound really good too. And Lana is clearly ecstatic to release this to the world, so let’s come together and support her.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, 111 said:


    it all started with this surprise nonsense... literally not a single moment was spent being happy about a new single release and potential interview and it's just been negativity & hostile vibes in here since that :tommy:

    I think we all just need to be excited that in an actual hour, we’re getting a new single and a potential performance and interview!

  4. 1 minute ago, Im a ghost now said:

    Fake insiders really gotta step their pussies up, it's my first pre-release on LB and I expected to see "in your cock, in your cock pit" levels of iconic and all we're getting is shit like this :crossed: do better for LDR10 :read:

    We need fake snippets that sound kinda good, like use AI or something and make a good instrumental

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