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Candle in The Wind

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Posts posted by Candle in The Wind

  1. 4 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Totally agree that there couldn’t be Ocean Blvd without Chemtrails and Blue Banisters. I love both of them, even though they are not my favourites (in 2021-22, I thought I prefered BB but I listened to both before ocean Blvd and COCC now has my preference). 

    the « problem » with these two albums might have been that we had some preconceived ideas of what they’d sound like or hope they would:
    - for COCC: it was the follow-up to Norman and NFR lovers (including myself) wondered if she’d follow on some of the trippy prod of this album on COCC. Plus it was the damn pandemic and we all wanted some sort of escapism from that hell, a summer « vacation ». On a personal note, i wanted some old Hollywood vibes when she posted a clip from From Here to Eternity, which had nothing to do with the album;
    - for BB, we associated its former name (RCS) to some sort of summery, more pop/boppish sound, with revenge songs… Plus Mike Dean being on board gave us some impression it could be the case… 


    Ocean Blvd sorta « filled » those « lacks » we had with the previous two albums. We sure will need, in a couple years, go back to them to appreciate them more as a fan base. 


    The best way to enter a Lana album, I think, is to have no misconception and let it be its own thing. And not let Lana be the sole artist to carry what someone would like / love on an album. 

    yes i totally understand thanks for the explanation. cocc grew on me very late too! Love how different she is

  2. 15 minutes ago, brandon said:

    i mean, being a fan of someone doesn’t mean we can’t think an album is personally disappointing 


    she really does have such a broad range and obviously not every song/album is gonna appeal to everyone, and i think it’s a little silly to call someone a fake fan or whatever for their personal taste, doesn’t really have anything to do with respecting that she stays true and authentic 


    i love the album but i just hate the narrative that everyone has to like everything their fav artist puts out or else they’re not a real fan 

    Im not saying that every fans have to love everything she is doing! Im talking about selfish and harsh critics. The ones who do not respect her work. I understand that can be dumb but i really feel like its unecessary to say that one album is objectivly bad. And yes i don’t think that these people are fans.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Paris Hilton said:

    I agree but saying that we have to stop thinking Lana makes music for us is weird. I mean, she is making music for an audience. :rip: 

    But I understand what you mean. At the end of the day, she is making what she loves doing and you cant tell she is having fun at it. If people like it then fine, if not it's okay. That's why her music is very versatile and appealing for different tastes — something lana stans lack understanding. 


    In my case, as much as I hate Blue Banister, I appreciate her for telling her story, making nice melodies and all! 

    Yes of course she is making music to share but i feel like some critics are too harsh… Thanks for appreciating and its normal that some albums don’t resonate with us. I wanted to talk about a part of the fan’s critics not all of them

  4. 5 minutes ago, BluVelvUnderground said:

    I'll never be able to be someone who can outright hate a Lana album. I can rank them, sure, but like if I did, Lust for Life would be at the bottom, but it's still an incredible album in its own right. Maybe its because I'm not one to judge an album based on a track-by-track approach, which is fine if others do, but I try to interpret albums as wholes rather than how many of the songs I think are individually great (for example, there's a couple songs on BB that I don't return to or find just decent, but it doesn't cause me to rank it below Born to Die, even though BtD has a more steady group of songs I'd call fantastic.) 


    Lana is one of the few pop artists nowadays that every album she does is with a concept and its own contained story. It's why I won't crap on the interludes on Tunnel. Sure, I won't listen to Judah hardly ever by itself, but the atmosphere it provides the album as a whole is integral, and it's not like it's thematically or personally without intention. I'm a raging atheist, but I can empathize with individuals who practice faith without immediately throwing them into the ills of the bad doings of their institutions. 

    I agree, I don't understand how some "fans" can call an album average and disappointing... We have to stop thinking that Lana makes music for us in the first place. Some of us forget that but it's funny because that's why we love her! She stays authentic despite the critics and she stands out. The fact that she is closer to religion has also played a big part in her journey, so I understand and think that is essential in her music.

  5. Now that one of her best works of art is out, can all the cocc and bb haters please recognize that those last 2 albums were beautiful and are right up there with this new album in the same sweet and personal genre... because for me, it was the culmination of those 2 that led to this PERFECT album and I am so happy!!! I am proud to say that I have always loved cocc and bb:wub:

    I'm also relieved that she is feeling better about herself in this world where no one really deserves someone like her, she shines in her new songs.:kiss3:

  6. 25 minutes ago, venicebitch said:

    I think if you review BB track by track it’s a very good album. But as a whole they don’t work together and that’s why I think it’s horrible. But if you look at it as a compilation of singles - sure.


    For comparison, COCC has many tracks that aren’t that good by themselves, but they work AMAZINGLY as a whole and this is exactly why I love this album as a whole experience. It’s saur good

    yes!!! thank you:party:

  7. 1 hour ago, a banister said:

    Hello, besides Portals that is coming out march 31st that will most likely blow most of K-12 out of the orbit we have Test Me, Numbers and imo Brain and Heart is a nice bop - all of them are on the After School EP

    When it comes to K-12 you should give it a spin, but I’d say that some of the songs there are some of her weakest if not the weakest records from miss martinez.

    Cry Baby with Bittersweet Tragedy, Dead to Me and Gingerbread Man is A gold crown encrusted with some of the finest diamonds out there, but I don’t listen to it nowadays because after like 6? 5 years of doing so it can get boring, but those songs are still amazing.


    And then we have her best material, the unreleased songs. Whatever era of melanie you’re exploring her unreleased songs from that time are usually on par if not better than the releases, so that’s that :p All her songs are generally good, but the curse of concept albums sometimes really locks melanie out of releasing better music

    yes i‘ve already listened to k-12 and i prefer cry baby but for sure its still good! I know for her new era and her next album, im so excited! And ofc for those who are unrealesed everyone hypes them so i have to listen to that:agree:

  8. 1 hour ago, lanaismamom said:

    well agh... cry baby is literally one of the Best album of 2010s for me personally, every song from that era + dollhouse ep (bittersweet tragedy and dead to me) deserved to be released literally, but my top3 would be alphabet boy, tag your it and teddy bear, u SHOULD immediatly after check her unreleased material i swear she has one of the Best unreleased songs, like rosking horse, jumprope, ring pop, where do babies Come from, 99 cent store, unhappy meal, trophy wife, haunted, seesaw, but especially first 3, them k12 goes its really good, less better than cry baby but still iconic, highlights are detention, luncbox friend, high school sweethearts, and tgere are also 3 very good unreleased tracks eraser, glue stick and papercut, and also a standalone single fire drill is very good that attached to k12 era too, after tgere is an after school ep that is like a deluxe for k12 but honestly its so different and more flat and uninteresting, i really only liked numbers, test me and unreleased song from that era called history is superior, and tgere was a single DEATH 2 days ago for her ipcoming album portals that is out 31 msrch 2023 so ya basically this plus make sure to check unreleased songs


    she also has a pre crybaby era called 2013 ep that is unreleased it has a very good acoustic songs so check it too! 

    heres the folder https://mega.nz/folder/sfUi3Ljb#4uKrqkAnCaw0B_YU7iouBg

    thank u so much for this very complete answer!! im checking all that right now! i love alphabet boy too atm

  9. 1 hour ago, Candle in The Wind said:

    hi! im starting to listen to melanie martinez and i’d like to know what your fav songs are? im just curious cause i love to know what songs people prefer in general :wave:


    1 hour ago, Veinsineon said:

    Released : Cake, Soap, Pity Party

    Unreleased : Curly Cue, Fingers Crossed, Night Mime (any version)




  10. 45 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    okay these are thoughts on the album for anyone who cares

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    i like it:xgiggle:

    listening to the title track in the context of the album kinda made me sad it was released as a single cause imo it sounds so much better with the rest and it hits harder.

    i feel like Sweet will grow on me.

    the interludes have beautiful instrumentals, i won't listen to the interludes again probably but if the instrumental were to leak then i would stream lmao.

    kintsugi did not disappoint i really like it, a little part reminds me of the Wild At Heart pre-chorus but that's okay i love this track.

    Fingertips i really like the production and the lyrics, it's obviously hard to get into the melody after just 2 listens and that's okay.

    i loooove paris, texas it gave me the same vibes as oh say can you see, i was imagining a black and white 50s movie while listening, so soothing.

    i really like the melody on grandfather too.

    let the light in is very cute i wish FJM had a verse i really like him but the track overall is good very sweet

    margaret pretty much the same, i always liked bleachers so i knew i wasnt gonna have problems with Jack singing, it is hard to understand what he says tho lol, it goes well with LTLI tho, sister songs.

    i also really like Fishtail idk why some people didn't like it, i feeo like it's sexy and i looove when she sings BAAAAABY.

    Peppers ugh i still cannot get into it, maybe i will but for now im not a big fan, i really like the pre-chorus tho.

    Taco Truck is the track i claimed and i really like it, i gotta admit i prefer the TT part to the VB part, probably cause VB is one of my favorite songs by Lana so the og remains superior, but it was a cute mashup, wish the TT part was longer.


    now i do also have critiques

    sorry to say this once again but... the mixing.

    in some tracks the instrumental is way louder than the vocals, in others the vocals sound muffled or too in your face, it is something i can ignore but if i pay attention it does bother me.


    UV and NFR still sit pretty in my number 1 spot unbothered but i really liked this album definitely an improvement from COCC and BB, now i do still wish Lana would explore something totally new for her next record but that's way to early to talk about.


    i don't have a ranking yet but it's fair since we don't have CN

    anyway i like the album :blush3:

    thank you to everyone who reads this i love you :trisha:

    i have read everything and i pretty much agree on this! but idk why people keep saying that cocc and bb are average... i really loved the hope and the authencity that came out of cocc. even though these are not her biggest projects, they are wonderful! I would like to know why you think so

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