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Everything posted by LycaneInMoonlight

  1. Hello, everything it's on the title ! My boyfriend don't like Lana : worse he don't understand why i like her. I've got the impression he don't understand me when he says that. Have you ever been in the same situation? I need your advise please thanks
  2. Hi everybody : i've gota question : what is the meaning of "my love making is my legacy"? Of course i understand the words (lool)but i don't understand the meaning (or the metaphor) behind this?
  3. On this page, there is a fan commentary about Lana's mother told him i quote : " Her mother told me that she lost one daughter in 2010, and Chuck was standing next to me." What do you think about that ? here the link : https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Patricia_Grant
  4. I love so much this song (white dress) and i search on youtube and i don't find any performance live of White dress. Is she even sing this song live? Thanks ( excuse my english i'm french)
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