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Posts posted by ScarlettHarlot

  1. 9 minutes ago, honey dew said:

    Im the same, I really only play killer for the daily challenges and tomes. Are u steam or console? I'll add u and we can survive together

    I’m on console, shall I give you my user over here or dm?

  2. 1 minute ago, honey dew said:

    Do u play killer or survivor or both?

    Mostly survivor but I don’t mind playing killer sometimes! I haven’t been on much since Lara was released but I need to check out Dracula. Do you prefer survivor or killer?

  3. On 8/27/2024 at 1:48 PM, venice biotch said:

    Hey if anyone is playing, do you also have the problem that your cursor dissapears? it only shows up when I click on something and then its gone again, maybe you know how to fix it?

    I had this problem but it fixed when I updated my laptop 

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