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Posts posted by TeDeseoCarino

  1. I'm truly heartbroken and have nobody to talk to it about.

    Why witchcraft? Why the occult?

    I have loved her and have loved her music for a long time, but i truly believe that association with the occult is evil or could lead to evil doings. Why did Lana have to go that way??

    I understand some of her fans think its and stuff, but really its not. She could have done all of her deeds without involving occultism. I truly believe that. But now I'm heartbroken. Heartbroken because I may have to cut such a big part of my life out.

    One of the few things that I love

  2. I believe TLY is freaking near perfect. Idk what I think is missing, and I can't put my finger on it- is it the pace or how long it takes to build up, and when it does build up on the end of the bridge-(GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM, ) it's pretty anti-climatic. Like, she gives you a taste, just a taste, of how over the top she can take it, but immediately stops it and brings it right back - to the low , smooth , slow paced- (well I lost myself,.....) but who the hell am I to question it. It DOES do it for me. I love it. It leaves me wanting more, in a totally good way.

    Anyway, everything else on the song is fucking amazing. Again, her use of "dead air" or space, whatever the wording is, from the beginning lyrics.

    The subtle pauses she takes in the third verse "but Hollywood legends, will never ...grow....old"

    Then after the next verse, how she speaks "well, it...."

    those are the little things I love about Lana. What makes me listen to her. I find new things everytime I give it a another listen. Her songs are ALIVE!

  3. i think its more that hetero guys arent really into singer forums tbh. i know a lot of guys who love certain things, straight guys i mean, and none of them frequent forums or anything.


    other than buying her album, seeing her live or wanting to have sex with lana, i doubt most hetero guys care beyond that.

    I didn't think about it that way. Wow.

    But even when I saw her in Houston, her fandom didn't really include many hetero guys.

    But i see exact what your saying. The reason why I'm into this forum now is because I have this need to discuss Lana and everything she's doing right now, and talking to my one LDR friend is just not doing it for me. Lol.

    I think my boyfriend likes Lana to an extent. He went with me to her concert and liked it and he always air drums when West Coast comes on, sometimes subconsciously. He probably doesn't count since he doesn't really listen to her outside of when I do, that I know of. Except he was familiar with Blue Jeans when I met him but it could have been from an ex since I think she liked some pop music and they dated in late 2011 - late 2012. I know his brother (who is 100% straight) likes Born to Die (song). But I'm sure its hard for guys to get into a song with lines like "let me put on a show for you daddy" etc. although I think I've heard that some straight guys just imagine she is singing to them in some cases.

    I totally imagine that she is singing to me.. lol

  4. No judgement. Do you, be happy lol! If LDR makes you happy then go for it. Don't worry about other people lol!

    Welcome to the LDR fandom though.

    Thank you for the welcome!

    I've been a fan for a while.

    I just never got into these blogs. But now with this new album coming, I need people to talk to. I literally only have one other friend that I talk"Lana" with, but we barely have time to talk with . It's refreshing getting on this site and actually being active on it.

  5. I am a very straight male and I am a major LDR fan. I cant imagine not listening to her music. All of her music. But still, I haven't met another straight male that is a LDR fan

    I think we are all closeted LDR fans.

    I rarely listen to her songs in public. I've come to the conclusion that it is either because I am so protective and selfish of her, like I want her music all to myself. Or I just a little bit ashamed to let people know I like her music... such a dilema.

    Don't judge me

  6. Does anyone at all feel that TLY is Lana talking to her fans? Kind of like a "farewell for now"?

    I have a feeling a looooong hiatus is coming, and we will "lose" Lana for a while, and we will remember her when listening to her tunes. Legends never get old. Almost like she's telling us that, We're going to feel lost for a while, but it'll be ok.

    We still go that jazz, while also having the blues.

    She's telling us that just needs to get away for a while. It's nobody's fault. She loves us, no matter how crazy we get *(fans tresspasing)

    The reference to David Bowie's Space Oddity about the astronaut disconnecting.. "GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM"

    in that song Major Tom just needs to go away in euphoria for a while. Recharge with space.

    We all now Lana loves space and cosmology. Maybe this is her way of telling us she needs to recharge, and float into "space" disconnecting from everything (all media)

    Pretty far fetched, I know. But just some personal thoughts I thought I should share.

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