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Everything posted by elesbinho

  1. elesbinho


    why this lowkey gives sophie's good thing going on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JiKNkXFMB0
  2. elesbinho


    pretending og unstretched leaked let's gooooooo
  3. elesbinho


    Tzef posted a pic with Charli in a party these days, I wonder if Tzef attended the listening party or if it was something else. It was the Brat Charli btw, so its not anything old, was at the same week of the release party by Benny.
  4. elesbinho


    Just realized 'The Dome's Protection' may be some other track timestretched just like 'Pretending', will mess around with the daw to take a look.
  5. elesbinho


    Renata Raksha, the visual artist who produced the album visualizers, have uploaded a few months ago lots of ai experiments with Sophie's logo, likely intended for the album https://vimeo.com/user28983091/videos
  6. elesbinho


    Someone archived it here:
  7. elesbinho


    Is 'Why Lies' the track we used to know as 'Candy in the Air' or it just incorporate the lyrics? Also Signe Pierce in 'Do You Wanna Be Alive' sounds so much like Chase Icon lol
  8. elesbinho


    There's this cute Love Me Off Earth promo poster being received for those who bought the cd.
  9. elesbinho


    Also on the topic of future releases I haven't seen mentioned here that SOPHIE teamed up with Cecile, Umru and Easyfun in 2019 to produce a score soundtrack to Hayden Dunham's '7 Sisters' performance at MoMA PS1. Later this year in June they showcased a full video recording of the performance at Company Gallery in NYC. Really hoping to be able to hear or watch the full piece soon if they publish it on Youtube or something.
  10. elesbinho


    Jeffrey Sfire has also been working for a couple of years in a Sfire comp release with all the work they did together, he announced it back in February. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sophie/s/EIVv6fjucL
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