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Posts posted by vicdelrey

  1. 58 minutes ago, somber said:

    It's kind like they know some things that are happening. Like they predicted Katy Perry's futuristic era before it was announced, Lana Del Rey x Quavo's single coming out in the summertime this year. But also, it just looks like they are simply *predicting* the things that might happen, but actually giving true insight about the things ahead. Like some stuff is just aimless predictions about things that people could see a mile away. And then other things are predictions that are quite direct and then it happens. So, we could say that they are a true insider, but also 60% of the things they predicted this year didn't happen (at least yet), and the 40% they predicted has happened and its quite direct.


    So, if they are true about the singles coming out in October to early November, then we could expect an announcement either the last week of September, or the week of the single drop. They don't give direct information about if there will be singles coming out around the same time, or just one single between October-November and then the second single in December. Also, this very well could not be the singles, and something else. Because didn't other insiders (don't know if they are true or not), say that there's a secret project from Del Rey. So it could be that secret project coming out October to early November. I wouldn't believe singles are coming out during the expected time unless Lana announcing them near that date. We very well could be getting the singles in December and something else during expected time. Whether a secret project, perfume, or vinyl's, who knows yet.:icant:

    One day lana will lunch her fragrances brand and world would heal :sadcore:

  2. Move :

    Jesus was a dying man. If he can't do it, no one can


    Diet Moutain Dew :

    Le'ts take Jesus off the dashboard. Got enough on his minde


    Body Electric :

    Jesus is my bestest friend


    Mariners Apartment Complex :

    So, kiss the sky and whisper to Jesus


    Tulsa Jesus Freak

    You should stay real close to Jesus


    Cherry Blossom :

    Swing it high like Jesus, wild and free


    I Talk to Jesus :

    Showed me what Jesus said

    I want Jesus to take me out this life, baby

    And I talk to Jesus and ask him if he'll think of saving me


    Jesus is My Boyfriend :

    He's Jesus Christ

    Jesus is my boyfriend


  3. Hit it & run :

    L DEL REY (yay) wanna be your soldier




    Live or Die :

    So tonight are you gonna be my soldier ? (HEY) Are we gonna be Bonnie and Clyde ?





    Bad Boy :

    Yeah, Bonnie and Clyde, we're just like that



  4. 2 minutes ago, sympathyisaknife said:

    you just dont understand camp

    another white gay man in a black womans business arent you tired

    the real question is isn't she tired to be so obsess with lana 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

    You didn't name any songs because you're judging her as a person rather than her music :dmd:


    I get that she's controversial, but c'mon… Yung Rapunxel, 212, Treasure Island, Fierce, Ice Princess, Luxury, etc… all amazing! And I was actually just streaming Yung Rapunxel on repeat, so yes, I feel passionately about this!

    maybe if she wasn't so hateful her music would be bop but her personality makes it sh!t :oprah3:

  6. 2 hours ago, tombombadil01 said:

    Y’all idk which thread to use please don’t give me a warning point I just wanted to share that Amazon italy has the tiddy vinyl in stock at retail price for some reason - I just picked it up at the locker I thought it was a mistake but it’s legit lol 

    can you post a pic, idk if I should get one cause i damaged mine at the paris show :adele: is it 100% legit ? 

  7. If it's an album/ep/mixtape, I sort the songs in a dedicated file and in the order of the original tracklist.

    For the unreleased I sort them by the year they were recorded and in a alphabetical order.

    Then I mainly listen to them on Spotify via local files or sometimes directly on my computer.




  8. 4 minutes ago, DinahLee said:

    I find it very curious that they're still pushing for these Festivals now that she clearly owns insane demand out there, but I guess it's just an easier $$$ instead of having to plan a tour from zero on their own. 


    I don't think anything will hurt her reputation right now, because she's just THAT in demand that everyone is aware she's an easy sell and she doesn't get too bothered about being cut as well, bar the Glastonbury situation but that was coming from the moment they did the announcement and she was unhappy nn. I still think this tour is worlds away from whatever the fuck they were doing with the Norman Fucking Rockwell one where everything was a shitshow.


    Circling back to the reputation argument, I do think it won't hurt Now, but for the long run... I'm not sure she'll always be a headliner forever, and if they start getting messy and being responsible for a whole schedule delay, things could get messy. But that's for the future.

    Or like she said she just loves the vibe of festivals and that's what she wanted for that era, maybe 2025/26 we get a stadium/arena tour. 

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