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Posts posted by EmilinkLady

  1. thank you! I love Neil Krug's work so I tried to emulate the gradient-colored effect he uses on his pics  :P



    That's really well-made in my opinion, definitely one of the best Lana fan art I've seen. I think you really capture her whole aesthetic through the pictures and colours you picked. Congrats :)

  2. It would be cool if she would work with someone like Anton Corbijn (the director of Heart-Shaped Box) for a future video. Anton would be awesome because she was very intrigued by the HSB video when she was younger, so it would be interesting to see what happens with that. Plus, Anton worked with a lot of better amazing artists.


    I had never thought of that, but I actually find it to be a very interesting idea. Corbijn's work is truly a classic now and he did some really good stuff in the past...


  3. I'd like a trip-hop album to be honest, mixed with a few tracks in the vein of Trash or Pin-Up Galore. These types of songs are what made me fall for Lana in the first place and I sort of want them back.


    Quoting myself because I also want Lana to explore her full vocal range again on the album. Her low notes are as beautiful as the higher ones to me. That being said, I don't actually have any real expectation for HM and will be happy with whatever she decides to release. :creep:

  4. I think she's very good at choosing opening tracks. Paradise is my favourite album but I never found the record to be particularly cohesive and the tracklist is, to me, a bit of a mess, so Ride wouldn't be my first choice. I really love Kill Kill and Cruel World in their own ways but still, Born To Die can't be replaced. The dramatic, sultry strings and then Emile's beats + Lana's glorious vocals never cease to amaze me and will always stay an iconic moment in LDR's entire discography. You just know you're about to hear a cult album (yes, because I'm sure BTD will stay among those "classic pop albums" in the years to come). That's truly unique.

  5. Damn You and Making Out are the only tracks I really cannot stand. There are some other ones I don't fin very appealing, bur fortunately, the songs she choses to put on her albums almost always end up being my favourites. So I trust her for that.

  6. I feel extremely sick and I have an important day at school tomorrow so I think I'll go to sleep in a few hours... I'll watch the HD videos tomorrow.



    Same, I have a very important uni day tomorrow so I won't be able to live follow the gig so a huge thank you in advance to those who will record the concert and update.


    Good night everyone. :) Sleep well! I think I'll leave for now too...

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