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Posts posted by jimmydean

  1. Explain it to me :rip:

    The whole theme of 13 beaches is isolation in fame, she speaks on how it toook her 13 beaches to find one that didnt have paparazzi, thats why she says shes "camera ready all the time" bc she has people constantly photographing her, IN the prechorus she talks about how easily she could just give up fame and just let those memories exist only in her mind, in the chorus she talks about how it hurts to love what she does {being a famous musician} she goes on to sing about the price she has to pay for doing what she loves and that constant invasion of her privacy is killing her and "shes dying". in the second prechorus she talks about how if people respect her privacy they can meet her"But you can still find me if you ask nicely, Underneath the pines with the daisies, Feeling hazy in the ballroom of my mind" in relation to her reference to peaches...i think its just something lana adds to contribute to her overall aesthetic 

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