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Everything posted by Cleopatra

  1. I can't help you but I just wanted to say: I adore your font usage.
  2. Beaut. Loving Barrie's porn stache!
  3. Lana releasing a hip hop themed album is my DREAM!
  4. It just find it really glamorous. Only Lana would do this which is why I love it.
  5. Gangster's Paradise is a masterpiece.
  6. I remember I would always be listening to 2Pac's Thugz Mansion and Vitamin C's Graduation (Friends Forever)
  7. Cleopatra


    Can't wait for Jan 13 aaaaaahh
  8. Bust Your Windows - Jasmine Sullivan
  9. Put Me In A Movie....I dream of becoming an actress.
  10. Convince her to go to Hawaii. Get some Lau Lau cause that's what I'm craving right now.
  11. "Hmmm this girl has hoop earrings on. Must be from New York. Let's see if she can sing."
  12. She's adorable. Reminds me of a Disney Princess. Her voice captures me. Can rap if she wanted to. She's fucking gangster.
  13. I too watched This is 40 last night & the only thing that made me happy was when they played the Pixies. but I stopped it in the middle of the movie. I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook but all my movie links don't have it dammit. That and Zero Dark Thirty.
  14. Cleopatra

    Book Thread!

    A movie?! No way!! Yeah I love it so far. My sister forced this book onto me. I'm glad. Get it 4 reals when you have chance.
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