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Everything posted by Wynwood

  1. i guarantee this album wouldve been 1000x better if it were produced by Emile and Justin
  2. are you trying to summon you know who
  3. lana is so iconic that she's inspiring movie titles now, a queen
  4. sometimes the tea is too hot for some people. i don't make the rules
  5. the instrumentals leaking made me love some songs more (Love, Change) and hate others more (GL, Coachella)
  6. is it me or does WTWWAWWKD sound exactly like Valley of the Dolls by marina
  7. i was in class when i saw this picture and i had to pray to God to hold me down because my wig
  8. lust for life is a continuation of froot thematically. marina sings about how humans are savages and bombs and then guess who decides to sing about politics? marina uses fruit and space visuals and guess who decides to sing about peaches and cherries all over her album? marina gets a little more pop and then guess who decides to add more mainstream genres to her album? hmmmm i feel like graham lol
  9. i can picture it now... Bartender (Cedric Gervais Remix)
  10. i mean she did say all her peaches are ruined
  11. i listened to IMF at full volume in my car last night and y'all don't give it enough credit
  12. its so annoying that lana doesn't even try to look good anymore. i swear she's worn that dress before and that hair and that make up and ughhh those cheeks
  13. when is she gonna follow cedric gervais? i need another top 10 hit
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