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  1. Kagomei liked a post in a topic by Flipflopfan in Lana's Personality Type   
    Lana is battling depression and anxiety and it's obvious that it effects her personality. She seems to me like a deeply insecure person about some things:
    1. Her past. Her name change in this preposterous Lana Del Rey moniker is really bothering me after I observed that everybody, even her parents, are referring to her as Lana. Besides the ridiculousness of the situation, it seems to me that she's running away from something an idea which was enforced to me by the many lies that plagued her throughout her career.
    2. Her looks. I know, it sounds crazy, given that I googled her just to see her pretty face! I always defended her against plastic surgery accusations but after the recent Poland gig I have to admit that she messed up her face. It's infuriating taking in account that she always was a good looking woman.
    3. Her public perception. She is self centered in her work and maybe this personality trait made her swallow every BS written about her which affected her self esteem. I believe that she is the type of celebrity who's reading everything written about them. This is one of the reasons for that she stopped promoting and it's working because the negative (or positive) articles about her are gone. I'm certain that her trolling through music and the way that she behaves sometimes in public (the way she clothes) is a response to some of the negative reactions to her in the press. In contrast, I remember when Woddy Allen, who is accused of pedophilia by his own step-daughter, said that he's not reading anything about himself because it would bothered him in his work. With Lana everything is about herself: how misunderstood and underappreciated she is in the business.
    4. I think that she knows that she's not good live. Because of this she looks on stage like someone who never wanted to be there in the first place and she's always running away without giving any encores.
    She is a complicated person.
    On the one hand she wanted fame, shooting extravagant covers and videos and on the other hand she's is ready to throw everything away by not doing even a minimal promo for her albums.
    But at least she has a personality which is distinct from the corporate fakeness of other popstars. Her "fakness" has nothing to do with the business anymore is something more personal, something that maybe we will never be able to fully understand it.
    Moreover I was upset at the way she dumped Barrie which made me question her goodness, Barrie was a depressive pain in the ass sometimes but he was there for her when she had it rough and he certainly didn't deserved to be left like this.
    After years of obsessively following her online I started to feel sorry for her because she's clearly depressed and unable to put her personal life and career in order. I believe the she needs to put this Lana Del Rey experiment behind her because it will ruin her psychologically. She's a smart woman (she's not a medium worshiping twat) and she is talented, she could develop in a respected songwriter and she could become a respected singer also. She's already a good studio singer and I'm certain that with a proper preparation of her songs and in the right environment (smaller venues) she could became a respected live singer (I hope) named E. Grant.
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