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Posts posted by slayLANAslay

  1. She seemed to put a lot of emphasis on wanting to go to back to Texas because of the canceled date, should be good for those that didn't get to see her!

    I'm so ready for Texas shows, still crying about Dallas. And she said San Antonio! just love to hear her say the word Texas, her speaking voice is just so cute. This era is legendary

  2. I'm probably gong to ACL regardless, but if she extends the tour thru October and shows up at ACL again I'm gonna cry like a little bitch. Actually, haven't stopped crying since the show was cancelled in Dallas 9 months ago. I'm bout to birth a crybaby.

  3. the other "screen" is fake aswell, just another pic from the teaser

    i am so glad there are people here who can spot this stuff and keep us properly informed. i have a shit memory so i never catch these things until someone points it out. you da real mvp Lanabroads

    :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:


    edit- if lana and FJM toured together i would quit my job, sell a kidney or an eyeball (what? i only need one to see), and go to every show. i once drove 650 miles just to see one qotsa show, it was worth it.  

  4. OMG this is incredible. I'm enjoying this a lot I'm so surprised because I didn't enjoyed ILYH that much at all (except BITUSA and another one or two) but this is just so pleasant to hear. The way he moves and acts makes me think so much of Devendra Banhart but with more Lana lyrics and looks, which means I'll probably desperately fall in love in the next two months

    and the way he interacts with the interviewer. his music was kinda blah to me until I saw him perform and read interviews with him and then it was a 'a-ha' moment. a-ha FJM you sexy sarcastic satan in a sunday hat, i love you.  


    I'm really expecting pleasantly bombastic surprise that is all purple and violet video (with occasional sneaks of pink cosmic syrup), because those are, beside black, the colors if mystery, magic, occult, sorcery, witches, sacred initiations,  secret knowledge and, after all, freaks, outcasts and misfits, and her velvet, narcotic, oriental and hypnotic vocal meanders of the song would perfectly fit that unique hue from the solar spectrum.  Also, violet equals imagination, spirituality (cult leader) and higher levels of consciousness (altered states induced by intoxication with opiates in ceremonial ritual). And I hope that all those human fairies will dance around her sensually like in the teaser from thousand years ago, treating us with gorgeous, hallucinant and transcendental experience. Can't wait, my eyes are burning and palms are itching!

    Lana, don't snuff the conflagration of coloristic extravaganza this time again! We want vivid mirage, not black and white funeral (at least moi). The only time grey tones actually functioned well was Blue Jeans, with its silvery flashes, but they were used to accentuate vintage melancholic nostalgia; this is sexy, experimental futureretro that screams and begs for lollipop rainbow.

    i love this idea and i am not trying to sjw on you, but how is any vocal "oriental"? i am genuinely asking a question, not trying to bait you


    i wish the faeries in your concept would be like the faeries in True Blood and also have all my appendages crossed for a video in full color

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