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Posts posted by danielcox93

  1. 5 times actually:


    Good God... she should get a different jacket or something, it looks like she never sleeps, never goes to bed. Just waits. Always waiting.  :creepna:


    (I love how it looks as if Lana get's drunk-er as the photos progress)

  2. I'm gonna stop you right there. There is almost 0% chance she's been sober that long due to the fact there are photos from the last 7 years where she's holding what almost certainly is an alcoholic beverage of sorts. Do I think she's cut back on drinking/drug use? Yes, most likely. Has she quit completely? I'd be extremely surprised if she had. It's a nice thought though.


    Oh Im aware, but these are her words. She's the "good girl" these days who's been sober for "7 years+". I don't care whether she does or doesn't, Im juss sayin what I've read/heard her say herself this year

  3. Seeing as she's been sober for 7+ years now, I highly doubt any of the material we have from her was written under the influence of anything other than her memories. Maybe weed, but I get the impression she really stays away from anything these days. Besides she already said that when she writes, she sits down and thinks of the way things used to be. I'd imagine most drugs would make writing (not to mention thinking) accurately and to a satisfying degree counter-productive.


    "Drugs suck it up like vanilla icys

    don’t treat me rough, treat me really niceys

    decorate my neck

    Diamantes ices"


    you tell me


    you don't need to have taken drugs to write about them

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