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Posts posted by ProphetSix

  1. On 1/3/2021 at 10:43 PM, EXODUS said:

    I don't get her latest single, is not even a song, it's creepy af and I hope it is not part of her new project 

    What one?

  2. Anyone heard of her? She's worked with Daniel Heath, a few songs with his side project lawless :)



    I keep trying to find these songs for sale, but no luck FML, anyone know where to find them? 

  3. Really? The song is fantastic, if it didn't have all the useless profanity. And trust me, i have the vocabulary of a fucking sailor. So if I find it annoying, that means something to me. The live version was great, and this song would make so much more sense without all that. when I try to listen to the song underneath all of that I like it, but then a bitch or fuck pops through distracting me from enjoying what i once thought was her best song in a while. At least 13 beaches is amazing :)

  4. As a former copy editor and proof reader the "Back to work or GO the coffee shop" error in the booklet is killing me. :defeated: It's not difficult to avoid small mistakes like these. I guess it's not a huge deal, just messy.

    when u preorder on the site, summer bummer is "Summer Bummber" lol who ever is typing this shit out must be typing with their toes...

  5. OR we could accept that being critical/not liking what you hear does not automatically means you are "bashing the album" or a "bad fan" and that being positive does not automatically mean you are "blindly eating her ass".



    Although there are people here which do both of those things, it would be a much better place if we would just respect each others opinion and be able to actually discuss stuff instead of attacking each other for not feeling the same about music.

    agreed, these children who don't understand that not everything lizzy touches is gold baffles me. Shes made some shitty songs, trust. but shes made some stellar songs. Not everything will be amazing, and those who listen to her fart and think its her best song, well good for them, but should respect that people like you and I aren't going to be bemused by farts. She needs to burp and hiccup too. Maybe even grunt a little, you know? put some effort into it? unlike cuntymoon, which was her worst, this album may just be "okay". has some okay sounding songs, even cherry doesnt seem so appealing anymore.

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