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Everything posted by Don

  1. I hope she continues the UV aesthetic, it suits her
  3. this is too much for me, I haven't screamed this loud since I heard Cheerleader for the 100th time god bless
  4. inb4 hünnymün leaks 4 days before the release a la halsey and ruins her sales EDIT : #51 LMFAO WHAT
  5. Don

    Book Thread!

    Le Horla by Maupassant.
  6. I love Summertime Sadness.
  7. I can't at y'all reaching so far for MTWBT, you see Lana posing in the streets with a male fan and you'll probably speculate about him being one of the models for the video On a serious note, I'm excited to see how Lana promotes herself through performances.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA7iV1sZmGs
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA7iV1sZmGs
  10. Don

    Troye Sivan

    Not trying to hate, I have his LP on repeat and in my Spotify playlists, but what the fuck is a 6-track album get your damn shit together, I am disgusted.
  11. I would most definitely consider it one of her best. Iconic even. To each their own though.
  12. Fuck me with oversized guns and stuck dresses Lana
  13. We do not know the time of release, for anyone who asks. I'm on a phone but I agree with the person that said Lana will destroy the helicopter at the very beginning, the rest of the song would be what happens after that.
  14. Actually, the production is...
  15. Also, I can't @ Flop of the Pop's being such a mess
  16. I hope they refine the instrumental though, I like how she left the strings and moved on to something different, same goes to the change in attitude. I can, but I also can't see this as a radio hit tbh.
  17. Can we talk about Lana posing with a fucking sci-fi gun??? What are these leaks and everything, I go on a flight and apparently half of Honeymoon leaks??? What is this forum??? Should I lister or am I bad person if I do that? What are these leaks and everything, I go on a flight and apparently half of Honeymoon leaks??? What is this forum??? Should I lister or am I bad person if I do that?
  18. I hope so too, but if we are real here, the "look y'all im high on this beach singing" is what gets people to number one on the charts, sadly. Not getting a joke immediately? What a new and alien concept! You could have just explained it to me.
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