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Posts posted by bodyofmyown

  1. I don’t know if that’s true but his name was Huck Kwong

    Lmfao y’all bitches started being fans last year Huck and Charli are still friends and are on good terms. Huck was the one who introduced Charli to SOPHIE’s music the guy who triggered her to make depressing party music was Mike Kerr (from Royal Blood) = : Birthday cake in August

    But you were born 19th of June

    Mike Kerr, Born: : June 19, 1990 (age 27 years)





  2. honest answer: do you guys think Charli is happy with her new sound?


    In my opinion, she seems like she's the happiest she's ever been. As Charli fans I think we can all agree that she moves onto new music projects so fast when TR and Sucker were released she was pretty much over them the second she put them out but with her new music style ((even though her releases aren't the way she wants them to be) she's actually enjoying the music/eras and is sticking with the PC Music sound she totally abandoned the TR and Sucker sound even if she's worked with the same producers she hasn't done something like songs from her previous albums. Personally I love both TR and Sucker but her new sound is the best music she's ever made.

    Side note: remember she quit touring due exhaustion she was literally tired of performing songs from Sucker and she wanted to perform new songs, when she made her comeback at SXSW with Sophie she was really happy and so energetic.

  3. 1300 pages wow yeah  :P

    now leak 'it doesn't matter'


    i know one of you thinks have it, someone posted a screenshot of a publishing site a while ago and the lyrics are up on genius

  4. I have noticed a common trend - the newer pop girls tend to have incredibly messy eras. I wonder if it's to do with the fact that record labels are run by gen-Xers and baby boomers. Basically individuals who are completely out of touch with contemporary culture.


    I was just thinking about this the other day. Charli herself has said several times that her label meetings consist of old men wearing suits and giving orders. I remember an old interview where she said she was at a label meeting and she wanted to jump off the building lol

  5. I can never take someone else’s song and just sing it. - [/size]NOVEMBER 19, 2013


    But now she's done Issues, Secret, Money, and Boys - her lead single. I'd love for a decent interviewer to ask her about her current thoughts on this topic (in general, not just about Boys bc we all know the answer: she took it because she had the idea for the video)


    Our Boyfriend too

    idk but its called "Charri XCX" and #nobreaks for meBTW, do we know the photographer who took the Number One Angel shoot? I'm gonna contact them and ask for some outtakes cause I just got paid and I wanna see more of the shoot

    Olivia Malone









    everytime you get too close i wanna run away,

    and everytime you say those words I don't know what to say BABE 

    back to the beginning xxxx so i can change 




    sorry I'm a little scared, but no one ever really cared (uh)

    I took you for graaanted (yeah i did) just a big misunderstanding

    I just wanna spend the night (ONE NIGHT) sleeping in your bed tonight (yeah)

    Watch a little TV, love it when you need me


    a SONG. 


    if a writers demo of this ever leaks, someone's head will be joining queen lizzy's in the guillotine basket


    random side note but I love how the narrative of strobe light switches from "cause I don't got the time, you will not change my mind, I'm not gonna be one of those girls who falls under spells every single day" to "cause now I've got the time, you always change my mind, I'm just one of those girls, those girls that fall under spells every single day". I wish it was the other way around like Need Ur Luv it still goes OFF


    side note #2: recurrent charli motifs: stars, graveyard, glitter(the most common one), neon, glow, heart, stun guns(this is probably the most oldest one, dating all the way back from Nothing Too Serious all the way to TKO and Down Like Woah)



    Uhm what song are these lyrics from

  7. Drugs is the worst song on N1A zzzz


    DUH she's tried drugs like pot and ecstasy. Probably coke too but I'm not so sure about that. Good for her for not talking about it anymore!!!! it's unprofessional and she needs to be a little mature if she wants to have a long career in this industry

    You think Gold Coins is iconic lmfao goodnight

  8. Y'all are so fucking stupid, why you acting brand new??

    She literally has drugs references in 80% or more of her songs even in boom clap lol.


    That being said Drugs is my favorite song on N1A.


    She was so open about her drug usage in interviews during TR era and beginning of Sucker, she doesn't talk about it anymore but she has never denied she takes them either .

  9. Are these known? * means theres more writers


    Charlotte Aitchison, * - Blow You Up


    Charlotte Aitchison, Michael Volpe - DIV (Melt Thru)


    Charlotte Aitchison, Michael Volpe - Haunt


    Charlotte Aitchison, Jonathan Clare, James Tadgell - Four by Four


    Charlotte Aitchison, Patrik Berger, Linus Elklos - Friss Meine Shorts (Eat My Shorts)


    Charlotte Aitchison, Patrik Berger - Gold Coins


    Charlotte Aitchison, Justin Parker - Heal My Heart


    Charlotte Aitchison, 


    Eh theres more but i dont wanna continue if literally all of these are already known


    blow you up is aluna's song 


    div and haunt are from clam's mixtape


    four by four is this  https://twitter.com/allaboutshe/status/672469462340227073


    eat my shorts was done before sucker when she did a lot of songs in stockholm 


    heal my heart is old


    and gold coins.... realllY?????

  10. also leak the song she did with dr luke



    Who have you worked with on the new album?
    So – the list! Weezer, Rostam from Vampire Weekend, Stargate, John Hill… I did a session with [Dr] Luke but that wasn’t for me.

    Who was that for?
    I can’t tell you! I can’t tell you any secrets, that’s not how it works! You can guess.

  11. thank you @Paris for the masterpost really helpful, does anyone have a list/masterpost of all the things that have been shared/teased on the discord?? im really curious i know most of them are unknown i'm lost last time i downloaded a discord file was the long recording 1:33:33 that was shared like 2 weeks ago. 

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