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Posts posted by osnapitzjer

  1. Wow, some people really failed their anal stage… I can imagine your poor parents having to deal with the tornado of emotions you've got when you realized Santa Claus didn't really exist. It must be hard not to be able to enjoy the peaceful feeling of giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

    Lmao, and who are you? Looks like another one of the random ass people who just came on here to give their useless insight. Ain't nobody talking to you, continue on with your day. 


    I don't give the benefit of the doubt to people who give little to no proof to back up their facts. Hell, I can come on here, post a screenshot of Lana 'saying' she would release an EP, and y'all would believe me. I mean, how convenient is it that only one person out of the dozens of Lana fans that asked her about the song got this unique reply? As I stated before in a previous post, other people asked her directly and she supposedly said she had no idea what was going on with the song (plus Dan Heath). Then brooklynbaby91 asks and suddenly she knows about it and is considering releasing it? Bye. 


    She wasn't the only one who was asking about the song. How come we didn't hear other people step up and say Lana said the same thing, or got a similar answer from Lana? Ooooh right, because this shit is hard to believe.


    So damn naive. 


    But, I digress. I'm done wasting my time on this forum. 

  2. what just happened lmao


    y'all need to chill tf out brookylnbaby literally did nothing but relay what Lana told her... @@osnapitzjer you're the one who quoted their post and brought it up again??? it isn't like they were posting cryptic messages all over claiming they had insider info on this... And this certainly would not be the first time Lana said something and went back on her word. In fact, it would go against the grain had she actually followed through and posted it.


    Now stop passive aggressively making accounts and harassing people for telling us what Lana told them

    Y'all still think I made two accounts, lmao. Please try to prove me wrong.


    I'm not being passive aggressive, I'm pointing out the facts that there's still no song. Either we're calling brooklynbaby91 a liar, or Lana.


    Your choice.

  3. Lol there was loud music and a lot of people talking literally no one heard what Lana said to anyone.


    Also, Lana says a lot of stuff shit to a lot of people.


    She literally told this kid on video she'd follow him at the London M&G and he's still waiting.




    I'm done defending myself. Have fun.  :)

    Did you have fun looking that up? Lmao. We're not talking about who she did and didn't follow on Twitter – way to go off topic.


    Damn, I guess Lana's a liar then! With following her fans and releasing songs! :-)

  4. How would anyone "back me up" when we met Lana one by one and others were kept a decent distance away? That convo is literally exactly what she said. You can either choose to believe it or not, not my problem.

    Damn, y'all must have been quiet as hell or whispered to each other for no one else to have heard you or her. I guess in the few days that people were asking about it, she went from not knowing what was going on with the song, to not being enthused about it and considering leaking it to us. Makes so much sense. 


    (Even Dan Heath who made the song with her didn't know what was going on with it)

  5. Lmao which one of y'all made an account just to say this?  :bye:


    I posted several pictures from the event lol. And how am I the one doing it for attention when I wasn't even the one who randomly brought this back up from the dead a month later? It doesn't really matter to me if you don't believe it because at the end of the day I got to meet Lana and have a conversation with her. 

    Girl, this thread is almost two months old now. No one is doubting the fact that you went to go meet Lana. As a matter of fact, good for you. Point is, you posted some screenshot of you writing some text in notes quoting what she supposedly said.


    No proof, no one to back you up who was there. Nice try. Bye.

  6. all brooklynbaby91 relayed to us was what Lana told him/her, they don't fucking work for lana or know inside info, no need to be a dick about it. if lana said she'd release life is beautiful and hasn't, what the fuck do you want brooklynbaby to do about it?

    Way to jump to conclusions. Never said shit about what I wanted him/her to do, just pointing it out that they told us Lana "said" she'd release a song, when others have asked her as well in the past and she told them she had no idea what was going on with it. Doesn't add up.


    It's months since brooklynbaby91 has told us this and still no song.

  7. He didn't say recent did he? I thought it was odd she didn't mention it since I would guess Young and Beautiful is her most iconic film song.

    It doesn't matter that he didn't. Young And Beautiful is no longer relevant, the point is that Lana didn't talk about her most recent work in The Age Of Adaline which she claimed she was so happy to be a part of. That's what I'm trying to focus on. Big Eyes and Maleficent were what she's recently done, that's why she talked about them two.

  8. hear it is listaen to the leak at your own risk




    There are many ways a leak happens.

    a) Through hacking

    b) Directly from the source (such as from lana, the producer, the song writer etc)

    c) From a 2nd/3rd party where the source either sold or shared the song to

    d) Uploading error


    Sometimes leaks happen intentionally from the source (such as leaks with Samsung Galaxies or iPhones). In such cases intentional leaks are for marketing purposes.


    Ah... Learn something new everyday. I hope Lana just gives the song to us.

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