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Posts posted by justicedelrey

  1. I'm going to the UO in Atlanta. I'm going to sit my phone (and myself) as close to the speaker or whatever they use to play it, and use my phone to record Audio. The quality will be around 256kbps. And my phone has a really good Mic and it's very spatial when listened with headphones.

    which uo are you going too, I'm going to the one in downtown atlanta

  2. I called the store yesterday actually to try and cancel my order (ordering off another website) and they told me the vinyls would start shipping on the 15th. The people who paid for express shipping will have theirs sent out first obviously and the rest of us will get them sometime after. The lady told me mine (with regular shipping) would probably go out on the 18th or maybe a day or two before.

    What store did you order it from?

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