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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Lana’s 35th studio album, Cooking With Melted Spatulas, has just been announced in 2095. The original fans take this chance to leave their radiation bubbles to plug in their iPhone 83 chargers to use the monthly allowance of .2 watts of electricity their countries government allows them - They visit lanaboards.com and type these sacred words through their hazmat suit... “Yosemite and Roses Bloom for You will be on this one, I can SENSE it.” then they die of exposure.
  2. I’m going to take this opportunity to say something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently.... She has said that Ultraviolence was ALWAYS called Ultraviolence. I believe her. We also know she sometimes refers to singular songs as records and has done so on more than one occasion. We just took her the wrong way and had the idea MTWBT was the album title. After talking about it she also says “I’m going later tonight to record it” which provides some more evidence she really just meant it was the song title, not album.
  3. I want my first post to be something I can look back to in Winter 2021 and remember the sweet times when we thought it was coming in 2020. OMG!! So excited can't wait to hear this in exactly 12-13 months as a surprise release from my favorite artist, Lana Del Rey, who always keeps her word!
  4. In a new interview with Times, Lana Del Rey has announced another forthcoming album... This time it will be called “White Hot Forever”! https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/lana-del-rey-new-album-white-hot-forever-norman-fucking-rockwell-release-date-tracklist-a9084746.html
  5. dont you know that 50ft Lana had to throw every CD all the way to our houses from California?
  6. I do think its funny how we do bully Win yet get hurt when we get called out. I've done it, we've all done it... maybe its tired and it is just beginning to look like jealousy. But - I will fight for my fellow LB members RIGHTS!
  7. x. ive bought a ticket to both the ES tour and LATM tour but was not able to go due to them being too far and not working around my schedule. I so badly wanted to go both times but since i wasn't able to i guess i am not a real fan and should not have any opinion about anything regarding her..
  8. ooo look at me i go to every single lana concert she does i am her biggest fan and if you dont spend thousands yearly then dont even THINK of calling yourself a fan bla bla Congratulations. Here's the praise you wanted sir
  9. Most devoted is questionable. I'm sure if any one of us had that much extra money to just throw away on multiple concerts in multiple countries then we would do it, because it's Lana. But just because you do so doesn't make you a bigger fan than any of the rest of us x
  10. It was an open casting call, he most likely applied himself and she saw it was him and let him on. + a regular actor when all the others are already regular actors and you can barely even see them? I'm not one to particularly enjoy his presence but jeez I think it's cute she included a fan in a video!
  11. Much like my old Timeline of LFL songs thread, I will be attempting to create a very rough and questionable (at times) list going in chronological order of the creation of songs on NFR. Of course, we only know about when a handful of songs were written so this is kind of messy. Early 2015 - November 2016: The Next Best American Record [Lana mentions "you did it all for fame" being the title track of the album to a leaker in November 2016, putting the songs recording to about early to mid 2016.] Sylvia Plath [Lana talks about the history of this song in an interview saying she fine tuned it's lyrics over 3 years, giving a rough estimate of the song's beginnings around this time.] March 2017 - July 2017: Mariners Apartment Complex [Pure speculation, but Lana talked about this song noting it was written after a guy she was seeing made a comment she didn't like. We know she's been with Chase since early 2018 meaning the guy before that would've been G-Eazy, which puts this song around the time of their fling. Would also make sense since it contains a Yosemite lyric] December 2017 - January 2018: Bartender [Lana first mentions having done this track at an awards show but not having an album to stick it to at that moment. It was recorded with Rick before Jack's entrance into the album] Love Song [Lana spoke about going to record this song with Jack at his studio the day after reconnecting with him (January 29th, 2018)] January 2018 - February 2018: Sylvia Plath (First Recording?) [Lana has also mentioned recording a song with a Jack that she had written. It's unknown if this was the first time Hope was recorded] March 2018: Norman Fucking Rockwell [Lana mentioned in September 2018 that she got the title track of the record down in March.] Happiness is a Butterfly [Lana posts the first very rough sounding snippet of HIAB in late March, giving a good estimate of the recording happening either that day or that week.] October 2018 - January 2019: How to Disappear [Lana first teased this track on her Instagram with it's piano demo in October, which gives it's recording date around that time. The song can then be heard being worked on in a livestream done by Del Rey which featured Jack in January 2019. Lana also stated it was the last song recorded for the album in an interview taking place in December 2018, though that was before she went back and added more to the record.] February 2019 - April 2019: Fuck It, I Love You [The last song recorded, we know it was around this time due to the information below on Doin' Time] Doin' Time [Recorded around this time, Lana has said it was done just as the album was finished. To which she went back and re-did the tracklist to include it.] Tracks I really can't determine: California [since it was with a different producer, we really have nothing to go off of to determine it's recording date.] The Greatest [Anytime after January 29th, 2018. Since that was the first day she worked with Jack. Mentions of Hawaii missing the fireball could denote it's writing taking place around January 2018, though the Kanye west fiasco didn't happen until October.] Venice Bitch [Anytime after January 29th, 2018. Since that was the first day she worked with Jack] Again, this is based on loose information. We know how Lana is with dates and stuff, plus songs can go through many many different variations and demos and could've been sat on for years, like Hope was, until it gets re-done. Here's the LFL timeline thread if you wanna check that out: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9444-lust-for-life-timeline-of-song-creations/&do=findComment&comment=555930
  12. And imagine if the surprise wasn’t ruined and it came out of nowhere
  13. OMG! It feels SO good to finally know why that book was shelved. One of Lana's many mysteries gets solved. On the same note: I always felt like James was kinda weird with Lana. Anyone remember the photo of him dressed as her at the beach?
  14. Can't believe she mentioned that band again! I thought she would never again. Let's hope she actually does come through with those covers, though I wish it was just her!
  15. This is 99% confirmed. But of course, that 1% always requires Lana or her team to say something. Pretty sure this was going to be a fun surprise but .. yeah.
  16. eclipse only can see the title and thumbnails of videos privated on her youtube.
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