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White Dress

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Everything posted by White Dress

  1. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    okay yeah, you're definitely at most 17 years old
  2. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Out Out is absolutely awful. But not as bad as Sweat.
  3. Personal favorite-wise 1. UV 2. NFR 3. BTD/P 4. Honeymoon 5. BB 6. Chemtrails 7. LFL
  4. This is so funny because I had the same thought… something about those chorus melodies are so Taylor. Specifically the “Let me show them how had girls do” part of BBS and “once, twice, three times the guy” from IYLDWM. The chorus of Beautiful also sounds Taylor-esque to me. I do think though that a part of why we think this is because Taylor’s writing is so Lana inspired for the last 10 years
  5. White Dress 100 CotCC 15 Tulsa Jesus Freak 32 Dark but Just a Game 30 Wild at Heart 44
  6. They have described the new song as being a psychedelic, meandering ballad centered around a continuous 8 second loop of Tex and Mex barking with reverbed vape hits sprinkled throughout
  7. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    XCX World all over again….
  8. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Out Out is so bad that it's kind of good. Spicy teas. Good Ones is amazing as expected
  9. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Warm bottom tier in her discography Not this SOPHIE splice pack imitator trying to stick her nose in Charli’s business…
  10. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Personally, Charli just didn’t hit the sweet spot her other music 2017-2020 did. The only songs I really still use are Click, Feb 2017, Shake It and occasionally Official
  11. White Dress

    LIZ Y2K

    What is the point of this?
  12. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Cover is an absolute serve but the producers have me worried...
  13. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Tea from BlackoutZone Solo Heavy synths VERY short and VERY repetitive, but VERY catchy And he enjoys its a lot
  14. White Dress


    Loved Her, not sure how I feel about this one. I like the song overall but her vocals just don't sound strong enough over that chorus.
  15. Bestie... trip-hop.. is not that. But yes we need Summer Bummer level slayage
  16. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    I didn't realize she performed Don't Think Twice in full I guess the twitter clip I saw was just a 40 second snippet Does anybody else hear similarities in the instrumental melodies between DTT and The Ending by Hannah Diamond? Obviously AG is involved
  17. I DIED when I saw that post, every meme was actually very "with it" humor
  18. White Dress

    Charli XCX

    Not feeling that snippet at all tbh. Very much the opposite of the kind of music I like but I can respect the direction I guess
  19. Are some of y’all literal children? Like... commenting eye roll worthy “reads” on her poor managers post because you can’t get enough attention as the ugly 8th grade pahgguete who screams in the hallways between class to get a reaction out of people? Please log off. Over yall... truly. Lana doesn’t owe y’all shit and never will. You can support her or not if you want but the dramatics and harassment is embarrassing.
  20. Is Thunder confirmed or is our only confirmation literally just an insider tweeting something vague about the song lol
  21. Am I the only one who doesn't get the hype for Cherry Blossom? It just doesn't really do much in any way for me. Pretty song though!
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