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Posts posted by matthewwwww.



    You won't find it in Target or anything shit like that i assume, you may need to shop around at more high end record stores i assume. Over here it's not widely available either, you gotta go to a good record store.


    Oh I know. lol

    I called the cd store and they said its out Tuesday. hopefully they'll have one in stock. If not I'll order it



    srsly. My day was RUINED on Tuesday. I imported it from the UK because I really didn't feel like waiting for Interscope to get it together. All this for Lucky Ones, which I don't even care for. But, like, it's the principle of the matter, so.


    I'm having it imported now as well. It cost me around $17 so it's not bad.

  3. Interscope is not going to be happy. They messed something up when pressing the CDs. I got mine from my local independent store in town and it's also missing tracks 13-15. There's gotta be some sort of recall campaign, although i don't know how they'll go about doing it, if we'll have to send it back directly to Interscope or go through the retailer from which we bought it. Oh man, they're going to lose a LOT of money.


    You think they know about it already? I'm sure some pissed off customers have emailed them already...

  4. Of course, go back to that store and make a fucking mess! the album is missing tracks, if you complain [like others will] you'll get what you want.

    But you've been sold something under false pretences surely? You thought you were buying an album with 23 songs, you've been mis-sold an album of only 20. Someone fucked up the discs and they need to be sent back. You're not the only person to have said this so you can hope you're not the only person who's complained?


    I need to go back tomorrow. They had another copy but idk if it'll be the same as this one

  5. I don't know.

    Target had the shelf tags saying BTD: Paradise edition but it was mislabeled since all they had was the EP.


    I went through carts of unshelved CDs to look for Paradise. There were NO double discs which makes me think most retailers are only selling the EP


    hmmm how odd!

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