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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    This thread is a bunch of people thinking with their emotions. Nasrallah should've been killed years ago, bon débarras. An Iranian puppet dragging Lebanon into a deeper shit hole than it already is.
    Also I don't think any other country in the world would accept being shot missiles at for months just because they have the tech to protect themselves. I'm sure China, Russia, the US or any European country would've razed Lebanon by this point.
    Lovely evening to all
  2. wholeworldsgirl liked a post in a topic by Limelight in BANKS   
    I thought it was Azealia Banks
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Nah, I know the whole story, how it started, what Israël has done, the settlements etc, I'm just looking at the actions taken by the country in a geopolitical context.
    If the country didn't tell people to evacuate, created a human corridor like it has been done in the last few days, I can assure the number of deaths would be triple that, If not more.
    Does that mean Israel is innocent? Nope, but if you understand the geopolitics you understand their current actions.
    Edit: basically my point is that it's gullible to think a ceasefire or a simple solution as "free gaza/west bank" can be found. There's a reason not even Egypt wants Gaza
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    If not the US, it'll be Russia or some other country, the US needs a stable partner in the middle east so they won't stop.
    And yeah ,10k deaths sucks but that's just the reality of war and the enemy hiding in dense populated areas. Israel at least tries to limit the number of deaths, it could be much higher. If it stops now the same thing will just happen in a couple of years unfortunately, so yeah they can't stop.
    Also I just saw you're from or live in Dubai, so your point of view makes sense. 
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The US has bases in many Middle Eastern countries, not just Israel, and other countries like Saudi Arabia have already said they are still going to normalize relations with Israel. American aid is important but mostly when it comes to diplomacy, their aid only represents 1% of the Israeli GDP. A ceasefire now would be the same as losing, they'll only stop when they reach their goals, no international pressure is going to make them stop
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    You know that Jesus was a Jew, right? And that Christianity wasn't even a thing for a while after Judaism was created, much less Islam which got stitched together much later.
    Also Arabs and muslims aren't even native to North Africa and the levant, they arrived in the 7th century. The only difference between the modern state of Israel and let's say, muslim Syria, is how long it's been since the land got taken over.
    Anyways war is war.
  8. Lanas Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    The official booklet disagrees.Unless Lana said those are not the lyrics, we keep those.
  9. Lanas Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Harvey's in the sky. I just can't hear something else
  10. starriedsugar liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Peace (All You Need)   
    For my 2000th post I wanted to express how much this song and Sirens mean to me. Lana, thank you for recording these masterpieces
  11. audreysdance liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Where do you live? I've only been in the north and Torino is so cool. 
  12. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Real "Sirens" Tracknames confirmed   
    One of her best albums tbh, I always listen to it when I need to calm down.
  13. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Real "Sirens" Tracknames confirmed   
    One of her best albums tbh, I always listen to it when I need to calm down.
  14. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Limelight in LOLITA vs LOLYTA   
    Same with me
  15. Flamingos liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  16. Flamingos liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The US has bases in many Middle Eastern countries, not just Israel, and other countries like Saudi Arabia have already said they are still going to normalize relations with Israel. American aid is important but mostly when it comes to diplomacy, their aid only represents 1% of the Israeli GDP. A ceasefire now would be the same as losing, they'll only stop when they reach their goals, no international pressure is going to make them stop
  17. fl0r1dakil0s liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  18. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  19. slang liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The US has bases in many Middle Eastern countries, not just Israel, and other countries like Saudi Arabia have already said they are still going to normalize relations with Israel. American aid is important but mostly when it comes to diplomacy, their aid only represents 1% of the Israeli GDP. A ceasefire now would be the same as losing, they'll only stop when they reach their goals, no international pressure is going to make them stop
  20. OscarScheller liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  21. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    You know that Jesus was a Jew, right? And that Christianity wasn't even a thing for a while after Judaism was created, much less Islam which got stitched together much later.
    Also Arabs and muslims aren't even native to North Africa and the levant, they arrived in the 7th century. The only difference between the modern state of Israel and let's say, muslim Syria, is how long it's been since the land got taken over.
    Anyways war is war.
  22. Quincy liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Rank Lana's Albums   
    You yourself say that you haven't had time to fully appreciate L4L but you create the thread anyway? Too early to say anything but UV remains unbothered
  23. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Limelight in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Literally remembered this page existed so decided to come and see if there were any news and it's the mess it's always been. 
  24. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Limelight in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Literally remembered this page existed so decided to come and see if there were any news and it's the mess it's always been. 
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