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I paint Lana a lot, here are a couple I've done recently :)

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these are absolutely beautiful!!!!!


Thank you sooo much :)

I really dig the first one. The make up, blush and detail on the hair's amazing. she's like art beautiful hahahaha nice! 


Thank you!! I'm glad you like it - and she is like art, I agree! So beautiful and so fun to paint

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they're so pretty wow!!



Gorgeous omg



I'm shocked wow the first one is so good I love this regal energy you captured with that one.



these are just so good!!! great job. 



oh my god this is so unique and amazing



these are really, really cool! my favourite is the second one



You have a unique style! I’d love to see more. :)



These are stunning! I love both! Please post more of your work!  :wub:



Rad! Thanks for sharing. Would also like to see more


Thank you all so much!!  :wub:

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