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The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread

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1 hour ago, Cherry Blossom said:

Taylor has stated that she makes her track 5s the most personal song on the record / one of the most emotional.


Debut -> Cold As You

Fearless -> White Horse

Speak Now -> Dear John

Red -> All Too Well

1989 -> All You Had To Do Was Stay (The least fitting IMO)

reputation -> Delicate

Lover -> The Archer

folklore -> my tears ricochet

evermore -> tolerate it

never knew that :oic3:

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What I think the tracklist for Masochism will look like if it ends up getting released:

1. Downhill Lullaby

2. Don't Forget

3. Descending

4. Gaslight

5. Innocent Kind

6. All My Lovers Die

7. Voices Cary

8. Down In Flames

9. All To Myself

10. Guardian

11. Pray For Rain

12. Masochism


Digital Deluxe Edition:

13. Hands All Over Me

14. Downhill Lullaby (Alternative Version)


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Vicky Chen - Am I Who I Am


  1. Nobody Ever Wonders
  2. 生活 (Life)
  3. 猜 (I Dare You)
  4. Baby
  5. Just You and Me
  6. 煙幕 (Smokescreen)
  7. 炙愛 (Fiery Love)
  8. If You're Really Gonna Leave Me
  9. Hands Up
  10. 時間的輪 (I'll Be Your Memory)
  11. Treasure
  12. 社會敗類 (Scumbag)
  13. Am I Who I Am
  14. 入土之前 (Till I'm Underground)

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Boy Harsher - Careful


1. Keep Driving - Reduced to a 1/1.30 minute intro

2. Come Closer

3. Fate

4. Flesh First

5. R.O.V.

6. Face The Fire

7. LA

8. Tears

9. The Look You Gave

10. Careful

11. R.O.V (Reprise) - The new beat edit renamed

12. Lost


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Lorde - Solar Power



01. The Path

02. Fallen Fruit

03. Stoned At The Nail Salon

04. California

05. Secrets From A Girl (Who's Seen It All)

06. Helen Of Troy

07. The Man With The Axe

08. Big Star

09. Leader Of A New Regime

10. Hold No Grudge

11. Mood Ring 

12. Oceanic Feeling



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Allie X - CollXtion I

  1. Hello - demo
  2. Tongue Tied - mv version
  3. Glam!
  4. I Take It Back!!!
  5. Catch
  6. Prime
  7. After the Flame
  8. Bitch
  9. Tumor
  10. Good
  11. Sanctuary
  12. Never Enough


Allie X - CollXtion II

  1. Paper Love
  2. Casanova
  3. OMG
  4. That's So Us
  5. Vintage
  6. All the Rage
  7. Too Much to Dream
  8. Old Habits Die Hard - Unsolved version
  9. Lifted
  10. Ugly - preferably with Jaira Burns arrangement
  11. Simon Says
  12. Downtown
  13. True Love Is Violent
  14. Alexandra


Allie X - Super Sunset

  1. Focus
  2. Not So Bad In LA
  3. Little Things
  4. Science
  5. Sunflower
  6. Girl of the Year
  7. Kid Wonder
  8. The Other Side - preferably with Betty Who production
  9. Can't Stop Now


Allie X - Cape God

  1. Cape God Theme
  2. Fresh Laundry
  3. Devil I Know
  4. Milk
  5. Regulars
  6. Rings a Bell
  7. Susie Save Your Love
  8. June Gloom
  9. Super Duper Party People
  10. Life of the Party
  11. Madame X
  12. Anchor
  13. Learning in Public
  14. Rising Tide


12 hours ago, Tana Mongeau said:

eating pure vagina

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MARINA - Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land

  1. Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land
  2. Venus Fly Trap
  3. Man's World
  4. Purge the Poison
  5. New America
  6. Pink Convertible
  7. Pandora's Box
  8. Happy Loner
  9. Cause I'm a Woman
  10. I Love You But I Love Me More
  11. Free Woman
  12. Highly Emotional People
  13. Flowers
  14. Goodbye

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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1 hour ago, bored said:

I don't know how to make threads but there should be one like this but for tour setlists instead?

Go to the top of the page, look for the and click on topic

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Beyoncé - 4



01. 1+1

02. I Care

03. I Miss You

04. Party

05. Schoolin Life 

06. Rather Die Young 

07. Start Over

08. Countdown 

09. Lay Up Under Me

10. Dance For You

11. End Of Time

12. Run The World (Girls)



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Positions - Ariana Grande


1. Shut Up

2. 34+35

3. Six Thirty

4. Test Drive

5. Motive (feat. Doja Cat)

6. Positions

7. My Hair

8. West Side

9. Love Language (With the awful outro removed)

10. Nasty

11. Worst Behavior / Someone Like U (Kinda like Knew Better / Forever Boy, the two songs blend together)

12. POV

Bonus Track -

13. 34+35 (feat. Doja Cat & Megan Thee Stallion)


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41 minutes ago, Inferno Euphoria said:

Positions - Ariana Grande

  Hide contents

1. Shut Up

2. 34+35

3. Six Thirty

4. Test Drive

5. Motive (feat. Doja Cat)

6. Positions

7. My Hair

8. West Side

9. Love Language (With the awful outro removed)

10. Nasty

11. Worst Behavior / Someone Like U (Kinda like Knew Better / Forever Boy, the two songs blend together)

12. POV

Bonus Track -

13. 34+35 (feat. Doja Cat & Megan Thee Stallion)


Gonna try this out! But I think safety net and off the table deserved a spot :defeated: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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Ariana Grande - Positions

  1. shut up
  2. 34+35
  3. main thing / test drive
  4. motive (feat. Doja Cat)
  5. positions
  6. my hair
  7. off the table (feat. The Weeknd)
  8. safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)
  9. west side
  10. love language
  11. nasty
  12. worst behavior / someone like u
  13. obvious
  14. pov

*main thing and test drive are not sonically similar but lyrically they're very much in the same line. They're placed in the same track in the style @Inferno Euphoria suggested, and I used the same for worst behavior / someone like u.

*test drive directly blends into motive. It actually is a pretty neat transition, although it's the only one in the album.

*west side is an extended edit featuring a small bridge with the pre-chorus in a voicenote EQ, followed by a third chorus (2:55 rather than 2:12).

*love language lacks the outro.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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On 6/23/2022 at 1:21 PM, Glitter Boy said:

*west side is an extended edit featuring a small bridge with the pre-chorus in a voicenote EQ, followed by a third chorus (2:55 rather than 2:12).

do you mind sharing the edit pls? :cuteface:

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Ariana Grande - POSITIONS



01. positions

02. just like magic

03. test drive

04. nasty

05. my hair

06. main thing

07. someone like u (interlude)

08. motive

09. worst behaviour

10. west side

11. safety net

12. love language

13. obvious

14. pov



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7 hours ago, Salem Prose said:

do you mind sharing the edit pls? :cuteface:

Sure! Here it is. I linked the whole album, the transition between test drive and motive is flawless :blush3: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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Lorde - Solar Power


1. The Path
2. Solar Power
3. California
4. Stoned At The Nail Salon
5. The Man With The Axe
6. Dominoes
7. Hold No Grudge
8. Secrets From A Girl
9. Mood Ring
10. Leader Of The New Regime
11. Fallen Fruit
12. Oceanic Feeling


Don't drag me , the album grew on me these days but still I'm not the biggest fan of Helen Of Troy & Big Star ( but it's heartbreaking that it's about her dead dog) 

If I wanna listen to them I put them as the Bonus Tracks 


13. Helen Of Troy 

14. Big Star


Or I would include them like this :


1. The Path
2. Solar Power
3. California
4. Stoned At The Nail Salon
5. The Man With The Axe
6. Dominoes
7. Hold No Grudge
8. Big Star
9. Secrets From A Girl
10. Helen Of Troy
11. Mood Ring
12. Leader Of The New Regime
13. Fallen Fruit
14. Oceanic Feeling



"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Florence + the Machine - Dance Fever

  1. Back In Town
  2. King
  3. Free
  4. Choreomania
  5. Girls Against God
  6. Morning Elvis
  7. The Bomb
  8. Prayer Factory
  9. Cassandra
  10. Heaven Is Here
  11. Daffodil
  12. My Love
  13. Restraint
  14. Dream Girl Evil

I love the original album as it is, but Dream Girl Evil gives me more closing song energy than Morning Elvis. And DGE being preceded by Restraint felt very natural. Not sure if Back In Town is a good opening to the album but I don't know where else to put it. And damn, Prayer Factory needed to be a full song.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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On 6/23/2022 at 1:21 PM, Glitter Boy said:

Ariana Grande - Positions

  1. shut up
  2. 34+35
  3. main thing / test drive
  4. motive (feat. Doja Cat)
  5. positions
  6. my hair
  7. off the table (feat. The Weeknd)
  8. safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)
  9. west side
  10. love language
  11. nasty
  12. worst behavior / someone like u
  13. obvious
  14. pov

this tracklisting is literally perfect


my ears have been blessed:trisha:


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