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Mediunity & After Life

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What are your thoughts about mediunity? Do you believe in after life? How do you guy's feel about spiritual medicine working combined with normal medicine? Do you think that life continues?



I am a buddhist and somewhat Kardecist that is also interested in the Kabbalah. 

I believe in spiritual medicine (in Brazil is very popular) since I worked as a volunteer in a Kardecist famous center called Frei Luis which is known for their medical center. All Kardecist centers are free and you can't charge. They are all supported by donations and the workers are volunteers. I worked there for like 3 months every wednesday and I saw very strange things happen. It's not a quadriplegic enters in a wheelchair and gets out walking away but I really saw people that had cancer or extreme pain get better or even cured. It works alot like sinergy when they operate they don't cut you or anything most times the mediums barely touch your skin. It's quite strange and interesting tbh.


I think about that a lot. After life, sometimes I honestly feel the energy around me is very strange like some places take my energy away or a certain person gives me headack and when the particular person gets out of the room or away from me the headack goes away almost immediately. I believe in after life since we are all made of energy it's seems natural to me that such energy keeps living after the meat (our body) fades. I also think we use a very tinny part of our brain so maybe the spiritual world is not visible to us yet because we don't use our full capacity.


I am a buddhist too because I believe that we have the power to accelerate and improve all of our own senses. And if we really pay attention to things we can see all that energy that surrounds us in moviment. Like a chain reaction the good, the evil, beauty and nature.


I believe some people can see and talk to our energy bodies (aka usually called spirit or soul) and probably the easier way to explain it is that such people work as a radio that can see and listen AM and FM while most of us let's say only sees and ;listens FM frequency.


I really fear p[eople are going to start to think I am crazy after this LOL



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i definitely do believe in some kind of afterlife, i'm still trying to work out what exactly it is i believe (but i'm 15, i've got a lot of years to work it out), i know for a fact that i believe in reincarnation. as for the spiritual medicine combined with 'normal' medicine i definitely think it works because i'm allergic to most prescription medications and i have to take medications a lot, so i just do meditation or herbal healing and it works best, but that's for me anyway. i think that the mind is definitely the best healer. 


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i don't really believe in an after life but sometimes i do think of going to heaven when i die or that people that i love go to heaven when they die but i think it may just be wishful thinking. nothingness after death sounds really scary to me even though it's...nothing really.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I'd like to believe there's somewhere to go after you die but then another part of me is like "when you're dead, you're dead. That's it." I actually have a recurring nightmare that when when I die, I'll be buried but my mind is still active so I'm literally just talking to myself in the dark for eternity.

tumblr_moza5y59Ri1r09ldbo1_400.png ~ataraxia~

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i don't really believe in an after life but sometimes i do think of going to heaven when i die or that people that i love go to heaven when they die but i think it may just be wishful thinking. nothingness after death sounds really scary to me even though it's...nothing really.

I pretty much agree with this.

Technically i'm a Protestant but i never went to Church and I don't actually think i believe in any of it although i've always tried to convince myself that people go to heaven when they die or now that i've kind of given up on that i'd just like to think that something good happens when you die because i hate the fact that one day my parents, my grandparents, my cat and everyone's going to die and i have to live through it plus i'm constantly worrying about how i'm not making enough use of my life because on day i'll die and that might just be... it.


I've got plenty of time to figure out what i really believe and i think you know for sure that you have a belief when you've got absolutly no doubt left in your mind. But I do think that spiritual healing can help.


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i don't really believe in an after life but sometimes i do think of going to heaven when i die or that people that i love go to heaven when they die but i think it may just be wishful thinking. nothingness after death sounds really scary to me even though it's...nothing really.


But if heaven is just an actual dimenison we are not able to see? Since we use such a small part of our capacity maybe there is no "heaven" and life just continues in another form. A few can see that dimension like extreme sensitive people or mediums. Our life, body is maintened by energy we die when our energy is of. Can be a failure of a vital organ like a heart or a liver but in the end what kill us is the end of a energy that keeps our body going whatever is the cause of our death.


I think that our energy still flows even if in a way we at this point are unable to see


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i definitely do believe in some kind of afterlife, i'm still trying to work out what exactly it is i believe (but i'm 15, i've got a lot of years to work it out), i know for a fact that i believe in reincarnation. as for the spiritual medicine combined with 'normal' medicine i definitely think it works because i'm allergic to most prescription medications and i have to take medications a lot, so i just do meditation or herbal healing and it works best, but that's for me anyway. i think that the mind is definitely the best healer. 


I totally agree with the needing meds sometimes. I am quite allergic myself specially when the weather changes fast.But what I meant by spiritual medicine was spiritual operations (not the ones you see in movies that they cut someone but real spiritual Kardecist operations they barelly touch you and they don't charge also. Strange things happens I guess.


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I think heaven is just something people say exists in order for you to feel a little less uncomfortable. It's like saying santa still exists, sorry for the spoiler children  :hillary:


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I'm really not sure what I believe in. It's easier to just say I'm still Catholic, but I don't think that's really what I believe in. I don't focus on religion or the after life much, but I suppose I believe in some sort of after life... not hell or heaven or anything like that, but some sort of after life. Death doesn't scare me though! i guess the ideal way of passing is just slipping away on my death bed or something which seems quite peaceful actually.


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I do believe in an afterlife, whenever I say this there's always people that say i'm silly and naive, but I don't really care. When I was younger I was terrified of death, I mean really scared that I would get sick and throw up, but then it sort of changed, I saw eyes which had life, glaze over and go cold, and i cannot for a second believe that whatever left soul/energy/vibe has ceased to exist. 




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