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Azealia Banks

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she deserved it, idc about your opinions on the topic. 

Misgendering someone is a big deal, especially in the trans community. Obviously you don't understand that if you're saying she deserves that like some sort of punishment. Sure if what yall are saying about her (irdk, i dont even know who she is) is true then yeah she deserves to be dragged or exposed about something else, not that. Doing that seriously just makes you look like an asshole. I know you're a big stan and you want to defend literally everything Azealia does but pls don't blindly worship her.


Queen of Clubs is one of her best songs ever don't contest it

Queen of Clubs is one of her best songs ever don't contest it

Don't put words in my mouth.

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Misgendering someone is a big deal, especially in the trans community. Obviously you don't understand that if you're saying she deserves that like some sort of punishment. Sure if what yall are saying about her (irdk, i dont even know who she is) is true then yeah she deserves to be dragged or exposed about something else, not that. Doing that seriously just makes you look like an asshole. I know you're a big stan and you want to defend literally everything Azealia does but pls don't blindly worship her.



Don't put words in my mouth.

i mean i really dont care, i cant empathize with a person that has been mean to me specifically. I really dont defend azealia cause shes mentally ill and says stupid shit, but idc about this girl and her issue.

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Along the Coast is seriously one of her best songs, I'm so obsessed with it. I only really like Skylar Diggins, Along the Coast and Queen of Clubs. The others are kinda sub-par, at least for Azealia's standard.


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so im not really enjoying any of the new songs. it spurred me to listen to bwet again though and I just had a random memory of how I requested 212 at my prom lmfao

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Fixed :hooker:


I love Can't Do It Like Me & Along the Coast. Riot is forgettable and mediocre, Skylar Diggins has awful production and an awful hook, Big Talk her verse is amazing but don't rlly care for Rick, The Big Big Beat is just whatever for me, Used to Being Alone sounds like a messy fanmade mix now, and Queen of Clubs is just messy and the instrumental sounds like some kind of generic shit from a few years ago. Along the Coast is the best imo.

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