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:legend: :legend: :legend: :legend: :legend: Let's discuss this ICONIC, LEGENDARY band :legend: :legend: :legend: :legend: :legend:

Fave songs?

Fave albums?

Fave performances?

Fave band members?

Fave documentaries?

It's IMPOSSIBLE to not like at least one Queen song. Queen is fucking phenomenal and you will deal and post about how awesome they are, okay?

Where my Queen stans at? @@fruitpunchlips @ @@PrettyBaby @ 


you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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omg i was mentioned in a post. fame liquor love give it to me slowly  :whitney:


but really i wouldn't call myself a stan because i'm so basic and i only have one album  :creep:  i only started listening to them like 6 months ago when i was slayed by love of my life. the album i have is a night at the opera and my second favorite song is seaside rendezvous.

i feel like dancing in the rain, can i have a volunteer  :legend:

you say you'd have to tell your daddy if you can, i'll be your valentino  :legend:


but back to love of my life, i listen to this song everyday and it makes me cry and i lie in bed at night and listen to it and cry, like oh my god it's so beautiful. it's clearly a special song since it has the ability to crush my emotionless heart and make tears fall from these dried up eyes  :defeated:



i've avoided queen for a really long time because when i was like eight years old i heard bohemian rhapsody and it had never occured to me that not all lyrics are autobiographical so i thought that he'd actually killed a man and i was like "i will not support a murderer"

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I'm not sure I'm worthy of the stan title either :defeated:  My interest had escalated slowly over quite some time but then not long ago I heard Killer Queen for the first time (yeah I'm that basic) and I just died a little, realizing that I had never taken the time to get to know this fabulous band even though I had always liked their wellknown songs and Freddie always fascinated me as an entertainer.


But I'm currently making up for it. I'm banging out Sheer Heart Attack right now, and will work my way through the rest of the albums from there.


So obviously this song has gotten a special place in my heart:



Favourite band member: Brian May's GLORIOUS hair.

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Queen is...incredible, fantastic, amazing, holly greatness of rock in a bottle. Oh and fashion and wigs and the best videos ever. Freddy my love when are you releasing your new track from beyond babe?? By the way Killer Queen is my life.

Freddy and Monserrat Caballe singing together is a masterpiece.


Favorites are hard so many....I wont mention albuns but some songs I truly love


The Show must Go on

We are the Champions

Killer Queen

Some Kind of Magic

Bohemian rhapsody

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Radio Ga ga


Don't stop me now

I will rock you

Who wants to live forever

You & I

You're my best friend

I want to break free






Obv was in Rio. Best crowd :hairflip: Was in 85 a very modest concert in Rock in Rio with the basic public of merely 470.000 people. Until today holds the record of ROck in Rio. My life sucks I should be born in the 80'and attended that concert became best friend with Freddy Mercury and convince him to always use condoms.



Also this pleaseeee :party:




Queen's videos are also amazinggggggg :worship:But until today I want to break Free is my favorite :worship:





Queen is very special for me for many personal reasons. You're my best friend is my music with my high school friends. We chose the song even to play in our graduation for each one of us.. Pretty sure everyone else got annoyid since we are a group of 12 friends there for the song played 12 times . The Sow must go on also was a song of a very special friend that well is beyond with Freddy.



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Guest Dot

OMG I had no idea we've had a thread for them!


They're my dad's favourite band! I'm not a stan but I like some of they're songs like "Another One Bites the Dust", "Under Pressure" and "Killer Queen". Oh, and of course "The Show Must Go On" and "Bohemian Rhapsody".

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been stanning Queen since 2012  :flutter:

along with Lana, they're my absolute absolute fav musicians

If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?


video games GIF

I believe in Flipside/Is This Happiness?/Your Girl supremacy

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IMG-2696.jpgMy favorite band of all time! I fell in love with them ten years ago. I’ve seen Queen + Adam Lambert three times but obviously no one holds a candle to Freddie.


Any other Queen lovers on here? In my opinion 1974 is such a special year for the group with the release of Queen II and Sheer Heart Attack. I also love love love John Deacon :wub:


(also I have a question for the mods: can this thread be combined with the already existing Queen thread? thank you in advance!)


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I don’t think there’s any sadder song or video than this 



you can tell he was very sick in this and the lyrics are so absolutely devastating because he’s saying goodbye. Also excellent beautiful guitar solo of course 

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26 minutes ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

I don’t think there’s any sadder song or video than this 



you can tell he was very sick in this and the lyrics are so absolutely devastating because he’s saying goodbye. Also excellent beautiful guitar solo of course 

this song and Freddie’s last recorded track “Mother Love” always get me :crying2:


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