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R.I.P. Robin Williams

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What heart breaking news to wake up to   :ohno:


Last night the world has lost one of the last great comedians, Robin McLaurin Williams. He was known for his many great films and characters, Aladdin (the genie), Mrs. Doubtfire, Popeye, Dead Poets Society, Cadillac Man, Hook, Jumanji, Jack, Patch Adams, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Flubber, One Hour Photo and Night At The Museum as Teddy Roosevelt. He was also known on the small screen for the Happy Days spin off Mork & Mindy and his appearances on The Richard Pryor Show. His was a stand up genius has given the world countless amounts of laughter and joy. 


It's been reported that Robin took his own life by asphyxiation. He had suffered with depression and drug use - which he was very open about, for many years- and is the suspected reasoning for his suicide. 


Many celebrities have spoken out about Robin this morning  says



"Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien – but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most – from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. " - President Obama



Very sad, very upset, very glad I did not have to hear about this though Twitter. Probably going to be taking some time off it for a while.

— Mara Wilson (Co-Stared with Robin in Mrs. Doubtfire)


"I didn’t know I could be so sad, angry, stunned and grateful at the same time. RIP Robin Williams.  If you are in pain please seek help." - Jim Gaffigan


"Without #Robin Williams there wouldn't have been a Comedy scene in San Francisco,

Robin paved the way.

He was the best of all of us" - Rob Schneider


"I could not be more stunned by the loss of Robin Williams, mensch, great talent, acting partner, genuine soul." - Steve Martin 


"I can't take the Robin Williams news. I've never cried over someone I've never met but I can't stop" - Miley Cyrus


"A tweet cannot begin to describe the hugeness of Robin Williams heart and soul and talent. This is so sad. #RobinWilliams" - Ben Stiller




Genie, you're free. 




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It's just so sad. I keep thinking about his daughter. The Nintendo/Zelda ad made me think they had such a wonderful relationship, it was so sweet. I'm getting old enough that all the people I admired as a child will soon start dying by the numbers, and I'm so not ready :(

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It's just so sad. I keep thinking about his daughter. The Nintendo/Zelda ad made me think they had such a wonderful relationship, it was so sweet. I'm getting old enough that all the people I admired as a child will soon start dying by the numbers, and I'm so not ready :(


They might've had a good relatiobship, but you just never know what he was going through on a personal level :/ 


& that's how I feel. Liza Minnelli, Henry Winkler, Barbra Streisand, Debbie Reynolds, Pauly Shore... I'm not ready to loose any of them :(


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