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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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The album is beautiful. Slower than expected but beautiful. Can't wait for more HQer listens. (They said they had to keep the posters so I couldn't have one which they dont know anything but whatever)


I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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Hard to hear the beats and everything's pretty slow.  I skimmed a bit around but I'm gonna hold off until I can hear a better version of it.  I'll remain optimistic but I'm wary.


If anything, I credit Lana for churning an album out so quickly.  Anymore, it feels like an eternity between albums for most bands that I like.


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This record sounds so much more mature and sultry mellow sexy warm and full of raw emotion than I ever thought it'd be. I think it changed me on a spiritual level I literally cannot wait to hear it full it's absolutely mind blowing


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I have the Periscope stream that everyone was listening to recorded, anyone interested? It's 32 mins. I'd send it out via wetransfer if someone wants it too :)

I want it! Can you upload it somehwere, or IDK what wetransfer is, how does it work

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