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A fan found in Lana's Malibu home

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It isn't ironic how these things happened when the bad side of fame became such an important issue in her music? Lana talks about a story about feeling like someone is stalking in her own house, recorded a video about the same issue and ended up being stalked and stolen. Life really imitates art after all

proving his theory about her being an 'omnipotent goddess'


maybe he's actually sane and she's the crazy satanic bitch putting us all under varying spells




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Yeah imagine if he was like "henny I heard you wished you were dead already!!! I'm gonna make it true JUST FOR YOUUU <3333" and he killed her with rat poison.


hopefully Lana moves as it's now pretty much been alerted all over tmz and tabloids that Lana's house is easily accessible and that you can goes as far as STEAL A FUCKING CAR

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proving his theory about her being an 'omnipotent goddess'


maybe he's actually sane and she's the crazy satanic bitch putting us all under varying spells




pretty much this


congrats lana the book worked


@@litewave will appreciate some Jungian interpretation where a man named "Self" invades the hermetically-sealed walls of her Tower

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reminds me of the bjork stalker..... scurry shit 


for those not aware of who he was i'll put info in a spoiler bc of sensitive material 


here is information and background https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_L%C3%B3pez_(stalker)

 and here are his highly disturbing video diaries



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BTW, let's not forget that this is what Zeena LaVey looks like:









The Satanic Witch! An attention-grabbing title, if ever there was one. That said, occultniks and sensation-seekers may be disappointed to learn that the focus of this volume is not spell-casting in the supernatural sense, but in the entirely mundane manner of bewitchment by psychological manipulation – the effective use of feminine wiles, in other words....
The main disappointment of the book is that its view of sex and romance is entirely manipulative. “How to bewitch a man” is true to the book’s title and theme, but I think it’s tragic that male-female relationships are painted entirely in this hollow light. There’s even something a little hypocritical to the Satanic principle of “Responsibility to the responsible” (see The Satanic Bible) when LaVey includes advice on how a woman who wishes to seduce a married man should go about it.
While the main focus of the book is “lesser magic” (psychological ploys), there is a chapter towards the end on “greater magic,” which reveals many fascinating additions to the information already presented in The Satanic Bible.
LaVey has been known to be dishonest about the details of his past (see The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton). The Satanic Witch provides some insight on why he has indulged in myth-making about himself. In a section called “How and When to Lie” from the chapter “Bitchcraft,” LaVey states:
There is nothing wrong with saying you sang at Carnegie Hall and you could have stood in the doorway at midnight and hummed a few measures, but if you open your mouth to sing at the next party and it sounds rotten, you have, as they say, blown it. If, however, you have sung the lead in your local civic light opera production of Naughty Marietta and were acclaimed as an exceptionally talented singer, and you happen to be at an affair where your quarry will be suitably impressed and possibly arrange for you to go on tour with an important new show, a Type II lie is in order. Tell him you have sung wherever you’d like – before crowned heads, etc., because when he asks you to sing, if you can back your contrived pedigree up with action, those very lies you told will not be questioned and will pay off. If you hadn’t told him, he might never have asked to listen to you.


Its advice goes from the neanderthal: ‘don’t wash – pheromones are your body’s natural magic’ to atrocious deception based on cod-psychology. Apparently all men and women have a ‘demon’ self which is the opposite of their outer self, and it’s the ‘demon’ self you have to pitch yourself to. So if he’s macho on the outside he’s whimpering on the inside, and so as to not scare off the whimpering ‘demon self’ you’ve decided he has, you should make yourself as soft and gentle as possible, even perhaps giving yourself a softer, gentler-sounding name. If he seems really straight-laced perhaps affect an exotic accent to appeal to the opposite him.
Genius. What could go wrong? (Except for that little awkward patch when he realises you’re not Sabrina from Paris but Gertrude from Scunthorpe and he thinks you’re a derranged ’cause you’ve been lying about everything…)


literally summoning a Demon Self  :illumilana:

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"The book is a complete guide of instructions on mental manipulation and seduction of men towards women. Even with it being directed towards women, many satanist men can read it too because it includes info on minor witchcraft and vision on the feminine mind."


Lana, sis  :toofunny:




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I mean isn't Lana Catholic? Does she still believe in god?

I don't think she is part of any religion now, tbh, she can believe in god and don't be a part of one.

I read that this book doesn't talk much about the religious part but more of the scientific part, that's why she might be interested, we all know she loves science. 




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For personal reasons everything about this events is making me severely uncomfortable. I'm researching and writing a lot about stalkers and ultra stans and all and I feel like the implications are going to be huge, I wouldn't have thought this would happen with Lana idk why. I wonder if and how she's going to react. I didn't even saw about the cars, I feel like the situation is going to be anything but better, sorry to be this negative, it's probably not that deep but I can't help but feel really bad 

I don't think she is part of any religion now, tbh, she can believe in god and don't be a part of one.

I read that this book doesn't talk much about the religious part but more of the scientific part, that's why she might be interested, we all know she loves science. 


She's quoted saying she is in several interviews but none are recent so I think the more she gets into science the more she's agnostic, of course this is pure speculation I'm not in her head


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I mean isn't Lana Catholic? Does she still believe in god?


God and Lucifer are the opposite sides of one single coin, and Lucifer is, after all, the bearer of light and knowledge, therefore, positive figure (a fallen angel, he was once one of the fair feathery gang up in the Elysian fields). The church itself glued the alarm of evilness to the so called Satan in medieval times, untill now.


And this book, "Satan Witch", is actually charming, harmless text about saucy, foxy seductresses that tease and manipulate men slyly and ingeniously into doing what those capricious little asses want them to do - to lick their feet and the ground they walk upon. I mean, just look at the subtitles of chapters:

Cartoon Cuties

Stockings versus Panty Hose

The High Heel


Color Clues for Witches

How and When to Lie

Learn to Be Stupid :hooker: :creep: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:




There are some spicy advices on how to cast spells and practice real, spoooky witchcraft, but they are in the cathegory of lite, sugar cotton Disney movies (at least for the people who were baptized by serious and tempestuous pains and troubles).


It's a fun manual for ambitious chicks who want to be the whole world's girls or lethal femmes fatales that grab everything life offers in its cornucopia and who seek material, mundane, teluric pleasures (money, adoration, power and hot, sweaty screw). And, after all, "lies can buy eternity".

There is no trace of bloody ritual carnages or eating little babies or placenta. :hooker: :creep: C'mon, who takes satanists seriously, or at least their today's naive admirers?

Once you enter into their narrative, you discover they are actually hypersensitive creatures who find their guidance and guru in worshipping Devil because they need an iron spine and someone omnipotent to rely on, in their wavering life whereabouts (because they are too insecure and scared to wander around stormy waves of existence themselves, or they undergo an identity crisis).



Here is the gem to download:




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Also, I just want to point out that Satanism isn't a religion about worshipping Satan. It's more of a troll religion created by atheists. They don't even believe that Lucifer exists. Just wanted to throw that out there.


Edit: specifically, Anton Szandor Lavey's branch of Satanism was atheist trolling.

Edited by brooklynbaby91

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