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So as everyone and their Grandmother knows, Beyoncé released a new album called "Lemonade" and a huge part of the lyrical meaning is influenced by a cheater. So since I love Bey and love the album and love writing songs I decided to be inspired and write a song similar that those on the album. As some of you may know I posted a few songs I've written here before for feedback and have sold one of them to a professional singer, obviously I can't sell this one due to the blatant amount of inspiration from the album but I may give the full version to a friend to sing for their YouTube Channel. Here's a few things you need to know, one I'm a horrible singer thus autotune and a lot more was needed for this demo, I used a beat found on FancyBeats youtube channel, and the lyrics were inspired by the themes of Beyoncé Lemonade album. The reason I used this beat was not only was it labelled as being inspired by Bey but it has Spanish guitars which I love and they would have fit perfectly into the Lemonade album I personally believe. Think of song as like the ugly cousin to Don't Hurt Yourself. The lyrics can be found in the Soundcloud description! 

I hope you enjoy and would love productive feedback, this was just a little fun song I wrote in like ten minutes....remember I can't sing



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