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question for the boards (re. arguments and off topic discussions)

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having gone back and moved close to 200 posts of arguments and general off topic discussions that could have been taken to the random discussion thread in the first place, a few things need to be said about the current state of this thread, and indeed the boards in general


the point of this website is to discuss music (and other topics), with threads pertaining to their respective subject matters. myself and the other mods always want to facilitate free conversation, as opinions and thoughts on things are welcome and encouraged to be discussed as long as rules are followed. at the same time, however, there is an expectation for opinions and thoughts to be respected by other members of the community (a rule which has always been present but seemingly forgotten as of late). arguing incessantly serves no purpose other than clogging up a pre-release thread that people try to get actual information from and results in a barrage of 'did anything happen' posts, which i'm sure you can agree gets a tad grating after a while


the point is, please be respectful of other users' opinions. i love reading peoples thoughts and feelings on music, be it positive or negative, and i enjoy the rebuttals as to why someone does or doesn't like a certain opinion, but only when it is respectful. there has been a noticeable shift in the general mood of the pre-release thread as of late, which is an ongoing discussion amongst the mod team, and information is being compiled regarding this; but in response to a post i saw earlier, this website is for everyone. running people off the website to serve a gatekeep-ey purpose or keeping morale low by arguing constantly about random things are two key factors, and we want to keep this a positive community for everyone by tackling this. abusive comments have never been tolerated here, and that will continue to be the case


anyways, TL;DR please stop fighting, we just want to have fun. no one of us is out to get anyone, the mod team does not want to impose the rules more than we have to and nobody here has any biases against others. miss liz just released three of her best songs in a while, so lets all stream, discuss and anticipate the coming album. the mod team are here for any questions, concerns or suggestions, as we always have been, and have always been responsive to any worries brought forward :hype:

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