I believe that Ray is Arthur Lynn. I don't have a ton of evidence to back it up, but in Wayamaya she says 'We changed our names to Lana and Ray'. This line immediately stood out to me, as I had seen this before. It's a blog post that Arthur made while they were dating and it's tagged 'true love' (so cute) and so I'm wondering if they liked those names or if they had any significance to them and that's what inspired the line from Wayamaya and maybe even her stage name, as she was dating him around the time she made the name change.
Of course I could be wrong, but with the way the timeline lines up and and the post he made, I feel it's at the very least more than a coincidence. The only thing I can't place my finger on is Raise Me Up, but oh well. If you want to learn more about her relationship with Arthur, this is an awesome read.