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Posts posted by Florida-Native

  1. There is truly no one like her. Video Games was so captivating that I was hooked instantly. She is so sweet to fans and truly makes an effort to get to know them and talk to them. She is also so down to earth, like even though she is famous she stills acts like a normal person instead of some spoiled celebrity. The mystery of her life also captivates because it's like doing a puzzle with no clear image and you can choose which pieces you accept and which pieces you think are rumor. I could keep writing, but I don't want to spend my entire New Years writing an essay on how much I love her and she was my first musical obsession.



    So what? Lana is better than them anyway. Why are you comparing them? This album had very little promo and it's beating Xtina on the charts, when Xtina is considered "the voice of a generation" and had a lot more promo for her album. I don't know, something about your post really just struck a nerve with me. Lana isn't as commercial as Perry/Gaga/Adele, so of course she isn't going to be in their "league" or whatever bullshit of sales. You're also not taking into account that Lana hasn't been famous as long as those women, so there's that too.


    It is also amazing she sold so many albums in the US. Seeing how she hasn't had any major charting singles. How many other people on the Top 10 can say they got famous off of Internet hype.

  3. I don't know exactly where to put this, but it's so funny/pathetic/etc. that I felt I had to post it somewhere.


    I agree with the majority of her(?) sentiments, but I feel like the state of her understanding concerning Miss Grant's other material is laughable. :[




    "Her free downloadable album God Bless America"............

  4. In December 2011 I was creeping someone's Facebook profile and found a picture of Lana and a post of how much they loved her. So I looked her up and found Video Games, I had that song on repeat for days. Then I gradually got into the rest of Lana's music. Lana is the first artist I fell in love with, because of her I made a tumblr and discovered so may other artist like Marina. Discovering Lana was like opening Pandora's box for me

  5. I honestly think Jump, Raise Me Up and the rest of the AKA album is extremely underrated. As a whole the production and lyrics are so much better than Born to Die. AKA is more varied and it leaves a bigger emotional impact than BTD has. I'm only a Lana-Stan because of AKA, the unreleased stuff, Sirens and Paradise. BTD is the weakest overall album.

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