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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. naachoboy


    i like ghost lights too
  2. naachoboy


    ikr, its so good, i listened the album two times already haha
  3. mm this must be the reason why shes recording another album so quick
  4. naachoboy


    i downloaded it im listening now
  5. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

  6. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    this song is growing on me i like it a lot now haha
  7. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i like it ! its different from the type of music she's done lately (I listened one time, so we'll see if i like it more or not)
  8. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    did u see her tweet about this? haah she said that the label didnt want the video out yet
  9. naachoboy


    at first i feel that too but know i got use to it xd
  10. naachoboy


    Well, im making this thread to discuss about this artist. I knew him because of Lana(that performance of them together). I like his songs and his a great director too. What do you think about him?
  11. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    ik hhah i thought the same when i saw the tweet
  12. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i like that cover she did, was different from all the songs shes been putting out lately
  13. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    Stream for listen the interview and new song of azealia http://www.georgefm.co.nz/Listen.aspx#popup_np
  14. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    3/26/13 Yung Rapunxel itunes's Release
  15. idk why theyre going to air the next episode that day -.-
  16. Foolish u should go to the atrl forum , theyre like you in every way. They always do this kind of threads :s
  17. loooooooooooooooool that forum is full of shit
  18. this is really wrong :s , i dont even care of how shes looking lately, its her choice
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