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Posts posted by gloomyharlow

  1. I've been trying to listen to a lot of new artists lately so I bought The Bride and I'm listening for the first time now. Her voice is so beautiful and I love the concept :legend:

    It's gorgeous. It's a beautiful concept too.

  2. people forget that entertainers are actually puppets. They are used to push whatever agenda is wanted to be used upon people.  Britney Spears is the most clearest example, her 2007 meltdown was sign to the public that she is trying to break out, by shaving her blonde hair, which is important to her image, but she knows what will happen if she actually speaks out about it (death).  

    Rihanna too in the sense that (before ANTI) she sang songs that were given to her, and many of her songs have double meaning.


    They are not part of the Illuminati or whatever secret cult.  most likely it's not even a "cult/secret society", as it is a simple group made of wealthy connected families(with incest involved) powerful politicians(ex: Hillary Clinton) and businessmen (ex: Mark Zuckerberg) that dictate what route the planet will take on next.  Do they control every government, terrorists attacks and the weather? maybe


    Just remember that just because someone is a movie star doesn't mean they have a direct connection to the illuminaughty.  All entertainers are approached whether knowingly or not.  if they do take the "opportunity of a lifetime" they are propelled to stardom yet are chained down as they have to do what they are told (what song to sing, roles to play, what products they can sell etc.)


    Also (not too sure about this) MK Ultra victims can be so well controlled that they don't show that they have actually been victims aka they can hide it pretty well.  

    As for Lana, something tells me that she isn't part of any of this "circus" even tough there are many clues that can lead otherwise, specifically her getting that interscope deal and being bought out of 5points in a short time.

    They've written a few times about Lana on VC



  3. Ups i posted some stuff in the wrong thread, Im a flop

    Here is what I posted in the Montreux thread:



    So the mood while waiting was horrible. So many obnoxious people & when the doors finally opened, some securities stopped me like wtf? some girls actually fell down because the security threw her down. They didnt even have a reason…


    But the concert was lit. Lana looked so happy. And she even took a pic with me and said she remembered me.

    It will be an unforgettable night

    Yay you met her! That is so awesome!


    The bald guy is her bodyguard I think


    We did not talk for long. My brain couldnt handle her presence anyway, so I couldnt think of actual interesting stuff to ask. I basically said how much I love the show and that her singing Salvatore was just really cute. She apparently wasnt sure if it was good, judging by her reaction and what she said.

    I then told her that Honeymoon is one of my favorite songs when she signed my lyric book (she did it on the Honeymoon page)

    Then we took a picture and that was it. She then went to some other fans

    I'm glad she had a bodyguard.


    You got to meet her. Lucky you and thanks for the picture!

  4. Omg white dress again :crying: !!! Why God Why ?!?!

    Lana, my love I know you've got an Angel Complex but do you really need to rub that halo in our face?! Lana puhleez stahp with the white dresses for the sake of our flower crowns and wear something colourful next time!! #BanTheWhiteDresses

    But you know at least she looks beautiful. I remember there were times on the Endless Summer tour where there were days she looked frumpy. I prefer her in white looking all together then what it was before.

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