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Posts posted by hippo

  1. 1 hour ago, RoundandRound said:

    Offtopic but is it me or the PARTY ON U bridge on PARTY 4 U uploaded to Youtube Music is a bit different? 

    The vocals sounds a bit different to the ones uploaded to apple music...

    What do u people think?


    i dont have an answer to ur question but party 4 u is humanity‘s best song 



  2. On 11/15/2018 at 2:57 AM, WhiteHydrangea said:

    I remember when Yes To Heaven leaked Decemeber 24th 2016, I cried and thought about how the song was the climax for a 180 degree turn in the way I lived my life, it was such a dream. I never believed the lyrics to be in a romantic way, I imagened saying them to happiness, I imagined a better version of myself singing them to me "say yes to me" I'm crying right now just thinking about again

    same. i was dealing with mental health issues and just turned 23. the line „ive got my eye on u“felt like a warm blanket lana was covering me in 🥰

  3. 5 hours ago, the ocean said:


    colossus and arcane vessels haven’t leaked and she doesn’t want them circulating anyway but i could send you everything else that’s not on bandcamp/streaming

    me too pleeaaase ever since gibson girl ethel cain is my lord and saviour 

  4. 25 minutes ago, junegloom said:

    No leak reported, I’ve just been able to hear it. You’re in for a TREAT. Although, so many good songs cut from the album….. Lips Apart being one of them.

    lucky u 

  5. 49 minutes ago, LanzDelRey said:
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    I just listened to the string mix version of "Beautiful," and I really love it; to be honest, I prefer the string mix version, and I'm hoping it'll be the digital version, but if not, I'm not mad; both versions are lovely, but the string mix version makes me love this song even more; I didn't love it as much the first time I heard the piano version. Now, I'm currently listening to it (String Mix version) on repeat.



    what string mix version??? :defeated:


  6. 4 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:



    ummmm :what:


    we *know* lana; we know of her recent break up and have seen glimpses of her mental health struggles. what you are saying is not sitting right and shows such a lack of concern for her and like, lack of grace too given the circs and that despite them, she still works so hard constantly + consistently


    second, we're not her lecturer lol :what: we are no way near any sort of authority that she has to answer to. the only thing people should expect from lana to a certain degree is her gratitude to people who listen to her music


    and honestly... music these days is really... so relatively cheap (unless you are buying all her merch etc.) or free lol; if you are looking at this situation transactionally, we are paying shit all for her *service* which is honestly so priceless - to have access to her artistry is really something to be grateful about. stop worrying about release dates lol. once it's released, you will be able to access it all your life


    ...or don't?

    my thoughts exactly ????


    Sometimes I get this feeling - I know it might sound odd But I just wanna go back home and I don't mean to God


    remember this ? do we know if this song made it onto the album? those are some catchy lyrics :illumilana2:

    so if eclipse has the album - is a leak imminent? 

  8. On 5/1/2021 at 5:49 PM, Charlottexseax said:

    Maybe TFJ was a bit tacky but EH and FROOT aren’t 


    plus the Marina we know now is very far from being tacky she’s gone full LA white woman 

    in what world / universe / alternate timeline are songs like bubblegum bitch, froot, homewrecker etc NOT tacky? most of marina's discography is camp at its finest ... i mean thats why i love her ... the delicate balance of taking life not seriously but also seriously enough 

  9. 24 minutes ago, LunaeManifestum said:

    Im really looking forward to see the reaction of this thread/fans in general when the album comes out. With L+F the problem was sonority and lyrics and now the problem is (in general) fake deepness like... what this woman can do to please the majority?

    this! the scrutiny on this forum is insane. 

  10. Norman Fucking Rockwell: 16 
    Mariners Apartment Complex: 18
    Venice Bitch: 18

    Fuck it I love you: 16

    Love Song: 3 (-)
    Cinnamon Girl: 17 (+)
    California: 19
    The Greatest: 16
    Bartender: 7
    Happiness is a Butterfly: 3
    hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have: 13

    lets kill love song ?:grinds:

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