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Posts posted by Viva

  1. I wanna say inb4 Viva calls her fat and says something incomprehensible about America but I think she disappeared from the site :toofunny:



    Oh you miss me? Feeling abandoned? Don't , I will grace the board with a short visit. By the way since when I write incomprehensible "somethings" about America? On Lana and fat... Lana isn't fat she yanked her 4 wisdom teeth's at the same time, obviously.

  2. she looks so cute I need to squeeze her cheeks

    Can you not? Like this is the first sight of her since the last show and people are excited, not a big deal. It's not like u will die because of a new thread and its not like this site is super active and full of new threads, if the mods feel the need they will merge. 


    drag them master



  3. It's a beautiful song, calms me down for some reason. Doesn't evokes in me the feelings Ride, Carmen, VG, BTD or even WC did at first listen though, still a great beautiful song. Lanas voice is so good, sexy and ethereal at the same time. I just love the sound of her voice, singing or speaking is just ugh so amazing


    Sleepy, but beautiful. (Though that is perhaps her laziest DIY style video.) 


    The tone and timbre of her voice have always been the biggest draw for me. I could probably listen to an entire album of Lana Mmmm-ing and scatting.


    something is awfully wrong in the world because I couldn't agree with you more. Probably gonna rain tomorrow

  4. I hope this album is a good one, she has so many subjects to cover and write about regarding political and social issues which was always her strongest songs and videos. I want Bad Girls, XOXO and Paper Plains Maya back LOL


    I hope to god whatever her album cover is doesn't look like a 5 year old using Microsoft Publisher graphics


    :crossed:  the one thing she never miss is the visuals, including art work  :toofunny:

  5. Lmao you don't even know what I look like Viva. You don't know what my hair looks like...neither do you know what hairstyles I have or had. Or even my experience with hair. :lmao: But whatever, your joke was lame. :eartha:


    I know you don't have a vagina. I have no interest in knowing how you look like by the way.... probably not a nice vision if the outside is twisted as the inside  :D Gonna block you anyway, after all who can bare your ass? Not me LOL

  6. That's like arguing that black girls wear weave using white people hair or to look white. Or ANY non-white group of people with naturally straight hair.


    Not every black woman has or wants straightened hair to begin with. What's the point you're attempting to make?


    Was a obvious  joke Mister No sense of humor. Anyway, you're a guy so you will never understand the hair issue. So many factors guy's don't understand and is irritating talking about hair with man who just aren't attached to their hair like we are (not every girl but the majority is). Most Europeans and North Americans citizens can also take a sit on that issue compared to part of SA or Asia because they don't have to deal with sea breeze combined with humidity. Sea breeze, humidity and wind put together is a devil's joke on any girl with long hair or not that short hair, black or white, you will suffer the eletro shock looking effect and walk around like a 60' hippie, wanting or not. Ask girls in New Orleans or girls in Miami LOl. Miami doesn;t have humidity even if is a beach town. NY is also better for your hair than Miami. 


    Anyway, I imagine the reason why black girls straighten their hair is the same reason why white girls with curly hair straighten theirs: is easier to play with straight hair, from hair cuts to hair do's is not only easier to manage as you have more options of hair cuts that wont give you much trouble in the morning. 

  7. the only ~reasonable explanation would be some kind of mental disorder.. i mean she basically faked her whole life i don't know if that's something a mentally stable person would do.


    Are you calling a person who fakes her entire life mentally ill on Lanaboards? Did you even heard Lana's songs and saw her interviews? For 29 31 years she pretends to be all sorts of things 

  8. The way she died was so brutal. Imagine the agony, pain and despair of being buried alive. Makes me so sad and so, so angry at the same time. Kudos to Argentinians for uniting and trying to make changes. What is happening with people? Why some are so violent, cruel and moral less? Just by thinking what she went through before finally dying makes my head spin  :(

  9. Didn't you generalize my country originally? LOL. the states here are just as the countries in SA; extremely different from one another, (mostly socially, but other factors as well). I thought maybe you would've read the satirical aspect of my comment, but you prevented yourself from doing that. Wouldn't you think Texas and NY are completely different? The same comparisons are equally bizzare..

    Comparing countries to States of a single country is also a satire? I have 2 advice's for you: Stop trying to do satiric comments because you can't manage to do them and second go study a little history.


    You saying that the difference between the states of UNITED STATES is equal to the difference between ACTUAL COUNTRIES that simply belong to a same continent is just brutal. It's like saying Spain, France and England are all one and the same. It's ignoring all the cultural legacy and historical background that actually brands that piece of floor as a country. It exceeds the geographical limitations, but the fact that most of latin america countries are hispanic doesn't mean we are all one and the same. 

    I have so many american friends which I admire and love, but you seem to be one of those americans whose american ego blindfolds them and prevents them from stating something readable. My recommendation: Stop talking about things that you don't know (and don't care to know) a bit about. You only make yourself look bad.


    For the record, your comparisson between Texas and NYC is just the same as comparing Salta with Buenos Aires... And they are two provinces inside just one country. So, give yourself the treat and pleasure of reading and researching.


    give it to him Dulce de Leche.  

  10. Not where I live sweetie, that's why i made my fucking statement in the first place. And don't tell me about US being way worse... South America is a mess 


    South America isn't  country tsc tsc. South American countries are extremely different from one another, your statement puts Colombia and Uruguay on the same level and with 1% of knowledge you would understand how absurd such comparison is. Or compare Argentina and Venezuela..... which is also bizarre. 

  11. The world is so fucked up, that's just awful. Cristina is slowly destroying Argentina. We should send them all to Chile because at least over there they get locked up for 30 years. 6 years old damn that's just bizarre on every level.

    Sometimes I'm glad I live in a stable, liberal place like New York. You just don't see things like a 6 year old with a sexuality on the news

    :lmao: I can't stop laughing at someone from US, any State, comparing any shit about rape with US in a nice light when you have cases like Penn State, R Kelly, rape culture in Uni's and all that mess. Seriously, Argentina may be fucked up but US is wayyyyy worse

  12. I actually hope for some production like the tour intro. 


    And maybe a Meghan feature  :creep:


    Just imagine the anti-feminist duo Lana and Meghan slayin the charts with a song like "Daddy, I made ya sandwiches" doo-wop and all.  :flutter:

    :lmao:  I can't stand Meghan but that sandwich part would be amazing. American style of sandwich: filled with all those gross super fat American stuff and a single tomato to look healthy. Lana doing her little Lana dance while bringing her daddy a sandwich while Meghan pool dances in the second plan. Grammy's I see Grammys

  13. These videos are graphic, is crazy how out of control the Police in US is. Police brutality exists everywhere but I never saw something like this because THEY NOW they are being filmed. This is the crazy part! Those guys are so sure nothing is going to happen after brutally assault those woman ON CAMERA, inside the police station. Unarmed women in custody! Crazy Cowards. Both white by the way.




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