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Everything posted by theviolence

  1. Can't believe her instagram BTD tribute was almost a year ago now maybe she'll post something again and put us out of this drought, and mention something about what's to come
  2. Why do you have such low expectations it's like you don't trust Lana to do what she does best anymore, which is put out amazing music
  3. Im pretty sure its implied he heard the final version also, if he has an opinion on it being 'much better', and he didnt mention there being really prominent strings on that either some of her greatest have heavy drums/guitars girl ultraviolence (song), brooklyn baby, gods and monsters, shades of cool, west coast (and guns and roses isnt even bad )
  4. But he also heard the title track, which is usually much more representative of the album, and he's said its in the same vein/without heavy strings. Not denying the presence of any strings though, but i think they'll just make much less of an appearance than before
  5. The only part of the video or the song? i need to see her looks this era more than anything else i already know this summer will be iconic.
  6. Of course, I'm not saying that the strings were the issue with Honeymoon, but that they made up a massive part of every song on the record (except HBTB/Art Deco). If she's diverging from the strings, which held such large influence on the last record, what else is she changing? It just sheds light on how she's making this album different
  7. Guys, heavy strings MADE honeymoon. Without them, even in a few songs, we know she ain't going for the HM sound
  8. I KEEPS SAYING, our girl will never release an album that sounds exactly the same as another, nor does she want to be a flop Was UV the same as Paradise? Was HM the same as UV? Why will the next be the same as HM? The descriptions that we're receiving just confirm this, it's a different sound she's pursuing. It's like we forget that Lana is an ARTIST and KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING - and any artist takes pride in any work they put out. She won't be lazy enough to copy and paste the sound of Honeymoon onto this future release. About promo: she doesn't want to flop. Who does? She obviously wants her music to be heard without selling out to the current radio trends. Let her do what she wants, but know also that she's not this fully complacent indie girlie that doesn't care if she gets 0 sales. She wants money, power, glory even if she doesn't pursue it as strenuously as she did back in 2012. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE MUSIC
  11. Honestly, 8 months is definitely long enough to gain new experiences and tastes that can be reflected in the music And that's just the lead single, we know she's been in studios till late last year, and she was likely working on new songs throughout summer/autumn 2016 The only reason we call HM uninspired is because it seems so slow and samey in tempo (but there is truly a diversity in sound). If this new album can deliver on the passion, then we're in for the usual greatness. Besides, every album she puts out is always different, in some way, to the ones before I have faith in Lana
  12. Beautiful As Roses sounds ugly bye Girl is gearing up for ha announcement!!
  13. Not allowed its not really a theory anyway, just something i found interesting OMG what does this signify
  15. If the lead single apparently has such stunning visuals, doesn't that mean the album trailer will also look great seeing as she uses the trailers to make the most of any leftover material Sidenote: her album trailers are always brilliant, and add so much to the era in terms of visuals. The ones for both UV and HM were amazing
  16. I sorta agree, but we really know next to nothing - imagine the rush when she actually announces the lead? The title? The artwork? Which direction she'll take, the visuals, the sound It's been so long, but I know once she takes the plunge, everything will be new and exciting once again
  17. The lyrics of Dark Paradise are too heavy handed, which is why even though I like the sound of the album version, I hate how tryhard it is :/. "but I wish I was dead" :/ :/ It's too upfront and ugh, what happened to show not tell? I think it's the way she sings that line too - it sounds quite hopeful in a sense, and very pronounced, like she wanted people to focus on the fact. The rest of the track I like, but it's just that line that ruins it for me.
  18. Girl i dont know if you've ever seen my comments on this forum but I'm never this bothered for some lanaboards notoriety. Believe me if you want, it's your choice, but I was given proof and I stand by it. I'm not trying to become some insider with special status with the stans
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