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Posts posted by caolicolor

  1. The amount of retarded people here, no wonder Melanies fanbase is seen as bunch of kids, I don't know who is worse here... Either discuss without attacking each others or shut the fuck up get out and get some dick

    you shouldve just stook with clueless bottoms bc thats more realistic

  2. Yeah, it's called Personality and Bobby said that it might not ever come out when he previewed it on Instagram the other day.

    They were about to give up on the collab and go solo today bc elijah wasnt looking at the file,that changed until rn

  3. she cut her hair like that its not a wig


    Her hair now is a replication of that wig,this is the same wig she wore around the same time she did the shoot and the ema performance. You can look at the bts video of the ema performance on insta putting the wig on

  4. Melanie and Timothy's friendship ~ An Instagram Timeline (warning this is kinda eerie):


    Before supposed rape date:


    June 8, 2014

    June 11, 2014

    June 13, 2014June 13, 2014

    June 18, 2014

    June 19, 2014June 19, 2014

    July 13, 2014July 13, 2014

    July 17, 2014


    March 4, 2015


    After supposed rape date:

    July 23, 2015

    July 24, 2015

    November 3, 2015


    April 6, 2016

    "You only deserve these words "bitch,snake(snake is better than you but I am writing), liar and sordid You are not a fuck"


    these 12 year olds who follow dd/lg tags need to stop :awkney:

  5. what's the tea with Charli's manager being a sexual predator and what does it have to do with azealia banks?

    zee was trying to get him to manage her but he trying to make her sleep with him

  6. Timothy told Newsweek that Melanie called her up right after Timothy told about what happened. Melanie was all like "I have a healer that will help you!!" and stuff like that. The photo of Melanie in handcuffs is real, btw. So messed up.



    Here's the full article if yall wanna read; http://www.newsweek.com/melanie-martinez-rape-allegations-timothy-heller-736251


    "She saw some psychic who told her she had to cut people out of her life if she wanted to win a Grammy," 


  7. Some other tumblrcore artist will come along with a gimmick and take her place

    Jaira Burns maybe? Poppy?

    poppys more youtube but tbh she will be over soon once mars argo cancels sinkhair  :lolliney:

  8. Lol i still gonna wait and see what happens and see if Melanie speaks about it and then i'll decide to believe this story or not. sorry gals

    she already blocked her comments on insta so she aint gonna say a damn thing  :awkney:

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