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Posts posted by fsddk

  1. (I totally resurrected this account just to ask something)


    Any info on the original Catch video? I'd love to see it  :hooker:

    we thought that Logan shot an original video, but she only shot the visuals. I asked her myself.

  2. can you bugger off already? i emailed people and you're getting sued for the shit you're doing to allie

    Don't worry, I've already emailed Andy and he said that this is the last straw. chase did me a favor by ruining himself, not 'revenge' like he tried.

  3. can't y'all just finish the job and leak all her old stuff which she's unlikely to release and get it over with? otherwise this is gonna go on for months until everything is leaked. it's been happening for months already and it's not gonna change until nobody has anything to argue/act exclusive about.

    All the old stuff is leaked now. And no one tried to act exclusive but him, did you ever see me once teasing a song for attention/power like he did within the past 2 months?

  4. i'm a him, may as well come out now before he outs me! he sent the songs in return for nudes watch him deny it

    He also tried to blackmail me the same way back in January. But O! I can't say any of the serious things he's done or he'll just leak more and harass/stalk my family more.. a fucking psychopath. I seriously hope none of the LB regulars believe him.

  5. the mod is doing her job by banning the individuals with duplicate accounts, whether or not you were defending yourself because of a separate incident, you violated a rule that was worth a ban


    I'm sorry, but I'd want someone to treat me the same way. But also I would've stopped trying to get on the forum again and again after it when it was with the intent to stir up drama or to promote a separate forum

    Are you kidding me? I did not join this site to stir drama? I added quality discussion to this thread and everything was fine until whiney bitch was jealous and mad and started leaking everything. He craves attention. When he realized no one gave less of a shit for him (including his family) the leaks began. If I am banned, he needs to be banned as well. He had a dupe called ChickenGurl218 to post private information on me; is that not against the rules?

    Also why are you speaking for everybody? Shows and promotes the idea that you are selfish, at least IMO. 

    Is this your defense to the proof? You're so weak lol

  6. ah once again still trying to act exclusive. exact reason why shit was posted today. yet you still find a way to act higher than others. 

    I never teased anything to anyone, that was you:


    -The 2 snippets that leaked in May - You teasing someone over snapchat and they recorded+leaked for attention

    -Gave Sky everything you just leaked so you could have dominance over her; you're sick


    I love how you KEEP trying to shift your case onto me. No one believes you.

  7. omg i actually love the snippet of Roll the Dice, i hate when i only have a snippet of something :defeated: #leakherinfull

    He wishes that I gave him Roll The Dice in full so he could leak it. And lol how he's trying to make y'all think he has Party Over too. In his fuckin dreams. 

  8. he's both as well as europa, the other europa, and a few others i don't remember off the top of my head

    Lol how you're trying to say it as if I used "multiple" accounts at the same time.


    I had ONE account until I was unfairly banned. I tried to get a verification email on like 4 accounts. Then I made europa and stuck only to that account, until it got disabled. Please shut the fuck up.


    True Love Is Violent - Nathan traded that track, hoping to god it doesn't get leaked considering it's newer and a contender for collxtion 2. I will not upload anything that is new/under Allie X. 

    Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't trade that track to ANYONE. That was YOU. I will not fucking be blamed by you again, you are so SICK

    aren't you Burnlift and FallenIdentity? because you posted on both of those.. and those are just the ones i remember

    That was my first/original account.



    Stop saying she's corrupt, read the rules and you have no grounds to complain about it.


    I would've you rather messaged me about helping you get the verification email instead of constantly creating account after account which is very clearly against the forum rules

    ...me trying to get a verification email. I didn't use them to post or lurk or use different personas like piggy.

    She is corrupt, she kept deleting my post defending myself. I didn't hack anyone or leak anyone's personal information. I offered her evidence, and she didn't wanna take it. That's not corrupt?

  11. this is my only account thanks ! also kk says the one who always feels the need to defend himself

    okay ChickenGurl218


    I'm defending myself because you've created a lot of false bullshit about me and I have the right to defend myself. I will not be censored by a corrupt moderator who's banning me only because she dislikes me. That's not in the rules. no one fell for your "I'm the victim! :(" bullshit so you're mad lol


    and if you seriously think that no one here is aware that you're a psychotic little bitch that whines when you don't get your way (example: leaking everything I gave you because you're mad) then you're less of a joke than you already are

  12. why is Nathan still not banned yet for like his 80th dupe account

    Why are you not banned for your 5th malicious dupe? You're mad that no one pandered to your victimized bullshit lol

  13. How would songs such as the multiple takes of Homebound and I Feel Love even exist in iTunes quality? Or are you just saying that, because they're 256, they're essentially iTunes quality? Because these weren't released on iTunes, were they?


    And how would R3B0RN and Sculpture be 320 if the source was Soundcloud?

    And just out of curiosity, how is it known that When/How was specifically made for COLLXTION I?

    Allie exported them from Pro Tools as 256, which is just iTunes quality.


    He emailed DaHeala's label impersonating Allie's manager and got them to send him Reborn in HQ. I gave him Sculpture in HQ which was given to me by someone on her team back in 2014. 


    When/How is an outtake from COLLXTION I, it was recorded in early May 2014. Produced by Kurt Uenala.

  14. Nathan how about you just leak everything else you have so that nobody here is exclusive. It's okay for you to have them but yet it's not okay for anybody else to have them? Makes a lot of sense

    You're leaking everything I have for revenge? Not to "make everyone be on the same level." How about you leak Jam/Shine/Sunday? :) Oh but you won't! Because you didn't give those to me. You're disgusting.

  15. nah I think I'm doing the right thing considering you think you're the fucking Allie X headmaster which is not fair to anybody

    keep posting profanity filled, excessively long replies to try and seem correct. I won't be replying to you



    You think you own her fucking career because you have more songs than me. YOU think you own her. YOU think you control her career. You're sick. SICK. You're earning nothing but digging your hole deeper. 

    @@TrueLoveIsViolent will you post a DL to When/How? full and HQ?

    It is full and there's a download on the post. 

  16. nah, you created the hierarchy and I'm tired of you having that power.

    This is so funny. Who the fuck shared all their stuff with you out of pity? I did. And that was a mistake. You're a sick disgusting psychopath. You think you're accomplishing something by 'sharing with the fans,' when you only wanna get revenge. You're so sick.

    notice how you feel the need to do whatever you can to seem intimidating/powerful, even by using profanity and insults. someone is trying too hard. just give it up

    If you think you've fooled LB with you being the 'victim,' like you want it to appear, you're wrong. Everyone knows what you've done and how crazy you are. They're only being nice because you leaked half of Allie's discography. 

  17. Thanks! In my opinion, if shit is gonna be sold/traded/etc it's gonna get out there sometime. Might as well put all of the Allie fans on the same level.


    Of course what was posted was not everything, I am not a big fan of posting anything that's new or newer considering its Allie X and not one of her past monikers that really would never have seen the light of day anyway.


    I just want all of the Allie fans to be on the same level.

    Fuck you. You created the unreleased "hierarchy." Allie wanted NONE of this online, regardless if we have it or not. You've pissed her off so much. We can keep it going if you want.

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