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Posts posted by Touch

  1. The only thing i'm scared with this project is that every song she is gonna tease and not release is gonna end up being asked for by twinks for the next 4 years on her twitter

    I think she will end up finishing every demo we already heard. There was 6 songs done last week and I'm pretty sure we've heard less than 6 demos/ideas.

  2. There's literally no another artist with this kind of connection with their fans. She understants all of our jokes, she's always referencing to them, she's even started leaking her own material just to fuck with us. She's trolling us the same way we were trolling her. I love her so much. Fuck!!!


    Besides the amazing discography, this is one of the main reasons that made me stan her.

  3. I thought about send something too but my videos are too messy or too personal. The video is really cute but it gave me a headache too lol.


    PS: Quem foi o viado brasileiro que mandou vídeo da Diana Cristina de Medeiros? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK TO PASSANDO MAL

  4. why charli lie? I mean, if she had released the single without warning it would have been much more interesting the same with the "album" which is probably a mixtape, if she would release the album as a surprise it would be more relevant because it seems that everything is already done, at least musically speaking but whatever everything is so good  :biblio:

    You should know at this point that she doesn’t like to do the same things always. She already did surprises with POP2 and the monthly drops. Also, we been knew she’s a collaborative artist so why not take some inputs from the fans? What I think she did wrong was the way she told us about the album, it really felt like it would be 100% made from fans inputs. She’s still taking some insights from us, though. Honestly, I thought the whole thing was going to be a totally mess but now I’m very excited for the project.

  5. To be honest, I’m glad she didn’t create that email or whatever that was supposed to happen. Some of us don’t really respect her and would send nasty stuff, old leaked songs etc and that would just complicate the album process and maybe frustrate her at some point.

  6. Just thinking about Charli and AG seeing the positive reception to the distortion on Click + Track 10 + Bricks, so they add it to another song and the immediate response is "omg we're so over that it's so overused"  :facepalm:

    I don’t wanna bring this up again but let me just explain my point since I had a mini meltdown over this. The noise itself is not the problem, I Got It and Click are some of my favorite Charli songs. It’s the way it was used on Forever, it’s kind of “disconnected” of the rest of the song. It’s also something that Charli has been using a LOT in her more recent projects and I honestly think that it’s time to bring up something new to the table. She’s not known for being an artist that always do the same thing. I just hope she keeps improving her work and not stay on the same type of sound. Anyway, besides that Forever is growing a lot on me, it’s a really beautiful song and Claws sounds amazing and even with the said problems, they are a step in the right direction.

  7. some of the fan beats that are in her replies are so awful  :rip: a couple good ones though

    the fact people would send anything that is overproduced or that sounds like a verry terrible xcx world demo... :rip:

  8. You guys should definitely listen to the song more than once before you comment. Every release no matter what is gets hate RIGHT when it comes out because people love to complain & they haven't given it a chance to grow on them

    I actually listened it more than 10 times already but my opinion hasn't changed at all. The song is good, I love the lyrics and how her voice sounds, but the noise is too loud and redundant. We already have many others songs that sounds like that.

  9. You guys rant like she’s going to stop working with AG because of your comments .... Let it be known she does NOT care about your opinions. If you don’t want noise maybe check out some selena Gomez or something

    Some of us are Charli fans, not AG/PC Music/whatever fans. The way you are fuming because we think she needs to change the direction after 4 projects in the same vein... worms.

  10. y'all acting like it isn't ag's fault lmaooo he's the one who's adding all those ugly sounds 

    AG is capable of make a song without noises, Dylan and umru aren't. I think BJ added those sounds on forever, though.

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