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Posts posted by Touch

  1. asldksdgjslgj


    well i swear to god it wasn't me. the LAST thing i wanted was for songs like bounce/GNO/good girls to leak when they clearly mean a lot to her and 100% deserve to be released on a proper studio album


    whoever leaked it all should be really ashamed

    ok babe

    fuck me


  2. oh duh they have like 5 versions of no angel too hahahaha


    that must be so strenuous having access to SO many of those bops that'll never see the light of day

    they will end up sending it to the right gay 

    i bet these songs will be leaked in 4/5 months from now


  3. we need like some sort of post summing up the entire leak thing n who leaked what... like im v confused as to who has what and who leaked what...  :crossed:  and why certain tracks wont leak :crossed:

    ladygaga500 aka collin and diplo aka diplo are acusing each other of leaking xcx3


  4. you're really gonna sit there and keep pretending i leaked XCX3 hahahahahahahhahahahaha


    we both know that it wasn't me. hang it up.


    your 'people ;)' literally spent weeks doxxing me including TWEETING AT MY WORKPLACE and FALSELY ACCUSING ME OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT


    so i don't wanna fucking hear it LMFAO


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