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Posts posted by terusama

  1. The reason why it sounds like "cummin" when she says "gunnin" (or vice versa, I can't really tell listening because of the filters) is that "g" and "c" are nearly the same exact sound except one is voiced and one is unvoiced. if you say the letter "g" without moving your vocal chords your make a hard "c" sound.


    edit: in my professional linguistic opinion :toofunny: it sounds like she's saying "cunnin" the first time, perhaps intending to say "gunnin" but not voicing soon enough, perhaps due to a consonant agreement phenomenon from having just said "crying". But "cummin" is a better line ; )

  2. The line "they still feel him here" breaks my heart. I know since it follows the line about Manson that it sounds like she's referring to him, but the fact that the song has to do with a close relation losing their life to heroin ("took your life away"), it reminds me of when someone close to you dies suddenly, and you can still "feel" them everywhere. Not sure if that's relatable...

  3. That’s literally what being high is lol. Enjoy, sis! I tried listening to it when it leaked cause I was in my hammock on a cliff overlooking a lake watching the sunset and it was perfect except I couldn’t find the link lmao. 

    I've been high plenty and even listened to that song before while baked, but today for some reason I was really geeking out, the song seemed to last forever. LOL

  4. Here's my little review, since I know you all are DYING to hear my opinion on things...  :toofunny: 


    -Her experimentation with her mid-range. After Love came out, I was worried she was gonna use the same breathy mid-range throughout, but WKD's "shake it up" etc. and Get Free's "out of the black" prove that she is still open to variation in singing style.
    -The whistling in White Mustang. Perfect addition to the song.
    -The production of the instrumental on SB is a welcome variation in the record. Also, I rather like Rocky's bit ("truthfully between you and me..."). Controversial opinion, perhaps.
    -The part in "Change" where she says "Sour".
    -The high vocals in In My Feelings, and similarly the bridge in GBA.
    -The outro in Get Free is perfect for ending the album, and it really feels like Lana's idea of paradise- An idyllic coney island beach scene, almost.

    Areas of dissatisfaction:

    -The bridge in WKD- "dizzy from loving you", it just really doesn't speak to me, and seems incongruous.
    -Not to offend fans of Uncle Nowles, but the production on the record can occasionally tend towards the flavorless. This matched with the fact that all the gun samples seem to be a lazy way to add "edge" and I find the production can quickly get boring.
    -Towards the end of the bridge in Heroin, everything after "if I said I wasn't sick of it" is completely unnecessary. I think the tension in the song as that point would be much stronger if she had cut to the next chorus right after that line.
    -The opening of Groupie Love and CWIMM both suffer from awkward lyricism. In a similar vein, I'm really not a fan of the extended rainbow metaphor in Get Free- it seems to drag on, and her point could've been more succinctly or effectively made.
    -The cursing in Cherry is just completely out of place.
    -I know some of you regard it as "world building" or "self-referential", but I really dislike it when she re-uses lyrics or imagery. This album had a handful of peaches, beaches, white, black, red, blue. All standard issue for her, but it grated on a bit.
    -Gratuitous use of reverb in the In My Feelings bridge, and the movie sample in the beginning of 13 Beaches.

    Current Top 5 (no particular order)

    1. Heroin
    2. White Mustang
    3. Summer Bummer
    4. We Kept Dancing
    5. 13 Beaches

  5. "Where did it go, the golden hippie-age? Instead there are threatening scenarios and Trump keeps on adding fuel to the fire. He said some things, women should be afraid of"


    Cuban missile crisis who? We had cruel, emotional, sexist, borderline despots as presidents during the golden hippie-age, too. That's why it existed. 

    Maybe she meant a modern hippie golden age? Like one she expected to happen, but instead this is what we got. Giving her the benefit of the doubt lol

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