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Posts posted by stillwatchingTV

  1. OMG, Debbie Reynolds, Carrie's Mom, and a major superstar for over 60 years died after having a stroke, brought on by the stress of losing her beloved daughter.


    A parent losing a child is not natural, and is one of the hardest, saddest things


    (for those that were unfamiliar with Debbie, read her bios online and her credits. Just to many to list (and I still cannot cut/paste correctly here, it doesn't show up)


    Starting with Singing in the Rain

    omg i didnt know that Deddie Reynolds was her mom :( RIP 


    ETA: i just saw this on TCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqyuIFSNxYI :( i guess it was made before...more people died :(  

  2. I dream of Lana a lot (for example I dreamt I was meeting her a few weeks before actually meeting her but it happened in my grandparents kitchen omg I'm still shook) but I also have a lot of nightmares so when I have a good dream it's usually very rare and I take it very personally and tonight I had one of my best dreams with her, I remember it started by Lana posting on instagram a 4min30 video of like the making of of all her other insta videos, what happened before and after, lil pieces of her life, and she was so proud to show it, and for some reasons there also was some ~private~ stuff and also??? the behind the scenes of her wedding????? and I was so surprised???? I don't remember the guy's name and face but I know he was an old dude like Francesco but older and he had a hairy chest (don't ask why I know this) and they got actually married in a tower of some kind (?) and all the bridesmaids were wearing gold dresses and haircuts like Lana at Kanye's wedding (I had the pic of her with Fran's mother in mind I think) and somehow I have now idea how but I managed to contact Lana and we became best friends and I was so in love but she was married but she was totally ok with that so she was with us both and I ended up making her ditch the guy and marry me and I got hold of one of her iphones and I was like I'm going to try to crack dat code to find nudez (which is stupid af since we were married) but I didn't managed to and my very first thought waking up was "but even if I had found the code she would have had her other iphone" it sounds weird af but it was such a nice dream she was really in love with me as well and it was tender af :icant: my baby

    :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  :omg:  THIS IS GOLD  :lmao: amazing. a week or so before the recent leaks i dreamt that a song was gonna leak so maybe this'll happen for you too lol <3333


    ETA: PLEASE post all of your Lana dreams from now. 

  3. Was Lana really at the Kardashian's party bc they had the same Santa lmao







    Well she did sing at Kimye's wedding and she said they were friends so it's not too far fetched

    i was thinking that he was maybe booked for both parties or something :toofunny:

    ETA: Santa to the stars - i literally googled that and found this http://www.santatothestars.com/ ..is that him?  lol 


    The reason putting LDR on a worst-dressed list was "preposterous" was that the dress was a vintage antique from a designer who gained fame from Marilyn Monroe wearing his dresses (or maybe he was famous before that, don't know). There is a dress very similar to what LDR wore at the golden globes that is gold in color that you can find images of Marilyn wearing. They are very famous photographs. So basically what Kathy (or whoever it was) was saying by placing LDR on a worst-dress list was either that the dress was trash (suggesting a historical ignorance of fashion and glamour), or that LDR was unqualified to wear something that Marilyn wore in some sense. To the latter, in particular, I would say: preposterous indeed!
    If the excerpt in the OP is what's actually in Kathy's book, then it's pretty embarrassing for her, imo.


    10345740_1012139655469417_23621252391880so beautiful.  

    eta: their stance is like "come at me bro"  :deadbanana:  :teehee:

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